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ELO what is it? How is it calculated? And how do I know what mine is?

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Forum » New Player Help » ELO what is it? How is it calculated? And how do I know what mine is? 29 posts - page 3 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » June 23, 2017 4:10pm | Report
Casual: OMFG! Learn to play, noob! Are you ******ed or something? Uninstall and go play Candy Crush or Overwatch.

Unfortunately I've heard the above, as well as being called a ***** when playing Nu Wa (which is funny since I'm a guy) and a dip**** because I wasn't rotating out of mid. We lost that game because while the rest of the team (including the jackass who was name-calling) was busy attacking the opposing team's titan, ours was being attacked by two waves of the fire-sword ones and Nu Wa just ain't that quick of a clearer.

<Guardian Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » June 23, 2017 7:49pm | Report
I mean, not rotating out of mid is a really bad thing to do. Like game losing bad


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » June 23, 2017 8:57pm | Report
Be that as it may, you don't build team camaraderie by resorting to name calling. I did rotate out of mid, but by that time I had already muted the guy so I didn't have to listen to him. The game was pretty much over by then anyway. I have NO problems with people giving me advice, but I do have a huge problem with people calling me ******ed, a dipsh!t, a noob, etc. I'll listen to your advice if you present it in a constructive and polite way, but as soon as you start calling me names, I hit the mute button and send a report after the match is over.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 23, 2017 10:06pm | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

Be that as it may, you don't build team camaraderie by resorting to name calling. I did rotate out of mid, but by that time I had already muted the guy so I didn't have to listen to him. The game was pretty much over by then anyway.
I have NO problems with people giving me advice, but I do have a huge problem with people calling me ******ed, a dipsh!t, a noob, etc. I'll listen to your advice if you present it in a constructive and polite way, but as soon as you start calling me names, I hit the mute button and send a report after the match is over.

Pretty much the only way to deal with ppl like that or just fule their rage and see how far they will go. By replying to them with "its only a game, no need to call ppl names and being toxic" etc.
That way if they fly off the handle and tell you to go get cancer and die (fairly common reply) or something along those lines. Inform HiRez of what was said in gamechat in your player report then just kick back and wait for your "an action has been taken against a player you reported" notification.
But that will need you to be able to handle the toxicity without going over to the dark side yourself.

Toxic players is probably the reason for 75% of my ranked games this split. So I do all I can to get the suckers banned and it is pretty fun as well, some of the stuff they come up with is hilarious :p
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » June 23, 2017 10:34pm | Report
Oh yeah it is. I had one idiot tell me to uninstall my life. Keep in mind these are all casual games. The people who I've been teamed up with in ranked qualifying are more civil.

Speaking of which (heh, great segue, eh?), I think Hirez's MMR, ELO, or whatever it is is seriously skewed for qualifying matches because I keep getting teamed up with, let's just say, decidedly non-pro players and teamed up against very good players. I'm starting to think HiRez doesn't want me to play ranked because I've yet to have a match where my team didn't have less than 10 deaths during the first ten minutes of a match. Now I freely admit I'm an average player at best, but seriously? I give up on whatever matchmaking HiRez is using for qualifying because it's certainly not giving me close to even matches at all.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 23, 2017 10:57pm | Report
Qualifying games doesn't really matter though. I went 9/1 and got into silver 2 same as a friend who went 3/7 xD

So you might end up in a good league even if you lose
IGN: Marki

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Casually tryharding ranked now and again.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Duotem » June 24, 2017 7:41am | Report
Gulfwulf wrote:

Be that as it may, you don't build team camaraderie by resorting to name calling. I did rotate out of mid, but by that time I had already muted the guy so I didn't have to listen to him. The game was pretty much over by then anyway. I have NO problems with people giving me advice, but I do have a huge problem with people calling me ******ed, a dipsh!t, a noob, etc. I'll listen to your advice if you present it in a constructive and polite way, but as soon as you start calling me names, I hit the mute button and send a report after the match is over.

See I'd like to watch this game cause chances are it was over by the time you rotated.

Gulfwulf wrote:

Speaking of which (heh, great segue, eh?), I think Hirez's MMR, ELO, or whatever it is is seriously skewed for qualifying matches because I keep getting teamed up with, let's just say, decidedly non-pro players and teamed up against very good players. I'm starting to think HiRez doesn't want me to play ranked because I've yet to have a match where my team didn't have less than 10 deaths during the first ten minutes of a match. Now I freely admit I'm an average player at best, but seriously? I give up on whatever matchmaking HiRez is using for qualifying because it's certainly not giving me close to even matches at all.

With qualifiers there are two differences between players with a soft reset like they did this split. Player A) hasn't played ranked before so starts at the base, lets say 1500. This player could be of any skill level and there isn't a true way to distinguish until they've played their games. Player B) finished qualifiers last split and was placed. As a result of the soft reset they may be slightly lower or higher than the base lets give it a range of 1400-1600. This will result in them starting qualifiers in a bit further than 0 games in one direction. However, at this point in the season most of the people who played ranked before already qualified so you're matching up with more Player As which will have a huge variation in potential skill level.

Then based on if you win or lose your first game your mmr changes from that base. If you lose you'll be playing with people in qualifiers or around silver/low gold next game, but if you win it'll be with qualifiers and high gold/low plat potentially. Then as you go based on your results it'll pair you with increasingly worse or increasingly better players on both teams. Losing early on is generally worse in the long run for the initial placement, but that time after your initial placement is when you'll fluctuate the most with TP and mmr anyway.

The end goal is that it matches you in games you have the potential to play well in, as in don't hard carry but don't feed. If average is your best just give it a bit and you'll probably settle somewhere in silver and begin to have closer games. If you're tying to win consistently in ranked then learn to Jungle at an above average level. It's the highest impact role currently and lets you have the largest chance to win or lose the game for your team outright.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » June 25, 2017 12:28am | Report
Duotem wrote:
See I'd like to watch this game cause chances are it was over by the time you rotated.

Pretty much. Here's a link on Smite Guru: The jackass was the AMC.

Duotem wrote:

Thanks. I'll give it another whirl to see how it goes.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » June 25, 2017 7:26am | Report
I'm disagreeing with duotem on the rotating thing. Cause there are matchups in which rotating is going to be pretty much impossible. however in those cases the other mid also won't be able to rotate with huge impacts.

Also there is always a chance to get back into a game. however in a losing game you're depended on picks a lot more then normal. And you have the throw from the other team too.

Also a fun fact bronze and plat players can be a lot the same toxic wise. only in plat it's more about mechanics because people know how they work and bronze people don't


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