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God idea: Baron Samedi, the defender of the deceased (Loa)

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » God idea: Baron Samedi, the defender of the deceased (Loa) 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Daleon » July 28, 2013 4:00am | Report
Tired of Voodou gods? Well, we are almost done...
Here we are with the one then probably everyone (everyone who?) was expecting: the most famous and stereotyped Loas of all the Voodou pantheon! Here you have...

Name: Baron Samedi
Title: The protector of the deceased
Pantheon: Loa
Type: Mage
Role: Carry
Pros: High single (god) target damage
Cons: Low defence

Bio: Nobody know if his title is real or is just a tinsel for appear noble and important, but everybody know to must respect as a real nobleman the defender of the deceased, Baron Samedi.
Loa of the dead and of the passage between the mortal world and the spirit one, Baron Samedi is the head of the Gu������©d������© family of Loa and father of them, as long as his wife Maman Brigitte is the mother of the Gu������©d������© family. Baron Samedi is the one who leads the deceased from them graves to the Underworlds, granting them to rest. However, being the lead of the deceased, he's also said to could bringhs the people back to life as mindless creature, at the service of who could pay him enough for the service. It could be true, since Samedi itself, despite the title of Baron, is well knowed for his debauchered, obscene and disrupted behaviour, often prey of the vice as his fond for tabacco and rum.
Anyway, despite his inappropried beaviour, Baron Samedi is often refered as a good Loa, helping people near them death and doing his best to preserve them during them travel to reaches the Underworlds. Being the master of the death mean he's potentialy also a giver of life, since nobody could dies f he refuses to dig them graves, and he's able to cure every disease and every hex the could afflict a mortal. His kind behaviour grant him the title of Baron, even if his mood often influence his decision, making him a fickle Loa to deal with.

Grapyc: Baron Samedi would be depicted as a very tall, but also very thin bald african man, with long arms and legs. He would have a white accurate skull depicted on his face, and a black top hat long and worn out on his head with a blue band holding some animal's featers on the base. He would also wear a black worn out jacket which would be hibrid between a tuxedo and a naval officer one, with large adorned shoulder and botton on both side, but also with tails behind it. Samedi left it open, exposing his toned torso with a white skeletal rib's cage painted on his chest. He also wears long blue trousers worn out and lacerated at the shins high, leaving free his ankles and his feet, painted with with skeletal bones. As weapons he carry a long raw staff, long almost as him, with a stick attacked with straw's rope at the high of his shoulder, forming a kind of cross, from where are hanged five voodou dolls. (Would be too cool if the dolls could resemble the enemy team gods, but I think it would be a detail too small and to difficoult to be add in the game)

Health: 360 (+69)
Mana: 270 (+51)
Speed: 350 (+0)
Attack Speed: 1 (+0.00)
Magic Power: 0 (+0)
Physical Power: 0 (+0)
Magic Protection: 30 (+0.7)
Physical Protection: 10 (+2.5)
Health Regen: 7 (+0.48)
Mana Regen: 4.2 (+0.46)

Passive: Defender of the deceased
If allies dies next Samedi (50ft.), them souls chains to Samedi, increasing his phisical and magical protection. Samedi could collect all the soul of his teamates if they dies at the same time. If Samedi retreats into the allied fountain before the soul is gone, he restore the soul and the respawn time of the ally is reduced of 25%.
Also, Samedi basic attack inflict 35 magical damage +25% of his magical power
Ability: buff
Affecs: self
Phisical and magical defence: +15
Max stacks: 4
Soul lifetime: 10s

Skill 1: Underworld's trick
Samedi leaves on the ground his top hat. If an enemy gets 5 feet close to it, a portal for the underworlds is opened under his feet and the spirit of the deceased stuns and damage him every .5s for 3second (Grapycaly, Baron Samedi leaves his top hat on the ground and immediatly another one materialize on his head. If enemy active it, the top hat dissolve in the ground forming a dark grey pound where light grey skeletral hands emerge grabbing and scratching the enemy blocking him)
Ability: Ground target
Affects: Enemy gods
Damage: Magical
Damage per tick: 10/15/20/25/30 (+20% magical power)
Root: 3s
Max hat at time: 2
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10s

Skill 2: Dollmaker
Samedi uses a doll from his staff to mesmerize an enemy. If the attack connect, the enemy falls under the power of Samedi who squeezes the target dealing the maximal damage
(Grapycaly, Baron Samedi holds a Voodou dolls into his hand, shooting a beam of black light which hit a target and gave him a little black aura, signing he's being mesmerized before Samedi squeezes the doll squeezing the target too doing damage)
Ability: Ranged Target
Affects: Enemy gods
Damage: Magical
Damage: 150/190/230/270/310 (+50% magical power)
Time of mesmerize: 1s
Cost: 70/80/90/100/110
Cooldown: 18s

Skill 3: Torment
Samedi raises his staff, unleashing the spirits of the deceased which damages all enemies in front of him every .5s per 4 second. (Grapycaly, Baron Samedi raises he's staff and a cone of dark grey magic appears in front of him where many skeleton hands light grey travels slapping and scratching to damage the enemy)
Ability: Cone
Affects: Enemy
Damage: Magical
Damage per tick: 20/25/30/35 (+20% magic power)
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Cooldown: 14s

Skill 4: Come with me
Samedi uses his power over Death to creates a cursed field around him lasting for a medium duration which makes the enemy into it taking more damages the usual. (Grapycaly, Baron Samedi raises his free hand and creates a large dome around him which moves with him, like an aura but with a realy visible visual effect)
Ability: Self
Affects: Enemy gods
Radius: 35
Damage: +12/24/36/48/60%
Duration: 4/5.5/7/8.5/10s
Cost: 100/105/110/115/120
Cooldown: 120s

Victory: Baron Samedi celebrates the victory dancing in a tribal Voodou style, with the dolls on his staff trying to mimic him, at least until he let himself go unleashing some more modern pop-music moves as the moonwalker and the anti-gravity move, before to goes back to his more traditional dances looking around concerned someone may have spoted his not realy traditional moves. Loop

Defeat: Baron Samedi gives the back to the camera, kneeling on the ground and working on something which the player can't see. Samedi turns a moment, looking at the camera, and turns again immediatly keep working, turning once more and raising an hand with his fingers raised like he was trying to take proportion, while a little voodou doll could be spoted, reveling he's working on a player voodou doll to punish him/her for the defeat! Loop
Casual player due low time.

Egypt pantheon rules!
Fan of Ra and Anubis, but open to try more to find other favourite.

Inhabitant of 'God and Item idea' topic, a lot of idea in mind!
Best idea: Discordia, the goddess of strife


Posts: 24
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FaTaLiTyFiReFly » August 3, 2013 10:37pm | Report
The passive is OP

1.3s Stun at level 1 is OP

2.The doll thing is more confusing than Dota 2 Invoker... ANd he is pretty confusing. Would take forever to code... you would die while throwing fenrir around like a potatoe sack.

3. Only good idea in kit

Ulti: Meh ... Almost OP almost Useless... OP early game and UP vs Aegis
why does wukong look so much different now?


Prominent (25)
Posts: 781
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Daleon » August 4, 2013 6:13am | Report
Seem, so far, this is my worst attempt for a god, since almost every skill of him are Overpowered or confusing! Well, let's see what we can do to fix them!

The passive is Op? Well, I think I would reduce it, then. Soul would now offer less protection 25 > 15, so the maximal stack would be just 100 > 60. Also the reduced respaw time is reduced too from 50% to 25%

Uhm, you have right on the 1 skill. I would make it equal to Artemis trap, making it rooting the enemy instead the stunning them, so they would be free to react with basic attack and skills.

About the doll... Well... Never played Dota2 I'm sorry... I don't know who is this Invoker. Anyway, I have tried to leave freedom to the player to choose if they want throw the enemy to keep the distance, holding it for a realy long time or just do raw damage. Seem it was kinda too freedom... I would stick with one, I think. The raw damage, no more choice.

Seem the 3 one is fine, so I'll leave it as it is.

About the Ultimate, I thought it would be good for liberate a path or easy kill a Dangerous enemy, but as you said it is kinda too difficoult to be used properly, so I think I would change it entirely:
Skill 4: Come with me
Samedi uses his power over Death to creates a cursed field around him lasting for a medium duration which makes the enemy into it taking more damages the usual. (Grapycaly, Baron Samedi raises his free hand and creates a large dome around him which moves with him, like an aura but with a realy visible visual effect)
Ability: Self
Affects: Enemy gods
Radius: 35
Damage: +12/24/36/48/60%
Duration: 4/5.5/7/8.5/10s
Cost: 100/105/110/115/120
Cooldown: 120s
Casual player due low time.

Egypt pantheon rules!
Fan of Ra and Anubis, but open to try more to find other favourite.

Inhabitant of 'God and Item idea' topic, a lot of idea in mind!
Best idea: Discordia, the goddess of strife


Posts: 24
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FaTaLiTyFiReFly » August 6, 2013 5:22am | Report
Much better now,
oh invoker is a hero who combines his abilities Q W E, with his Ultimate to create abilities
why does wukong look so much different now?


Prominent (25)
Posts: 781
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Daleon » August 6, 2013 7:03am | Report
Glad you like the changes.
Anyway, seem interesting this invoker... Maybe I should give a look to dota2, sometimes, but for the moment I rather stick on Smite until I'm low in free time!
Casual player due low time.

Egypt pantheon rules!
Fan of Ra and Anubis, but open to try more to find other favourite.

Inhabitant of 'God and Item idea' topic, a lot of idea in mind!
Best idea: Discordia, the goddess of strife


Posts: 24
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ravenwolf » October 8, 2018 2:14pm | Report
Not sure why loa are in smite since they are considered spirits not gods.


Posts: 7
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » October 8, 2018 3:12pm | Report
Achilles is in there and he's not a god.

<Guardian Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 8, 2018 4:18pm | Report
Achilles is absolutely a god.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » October 8, 2018 4:40pm | Report
Wow, what a scumbag. Implying bran is a god just because he did good with achilles.

BTW, Gulf, Achilles is actually a demi god, like Hercules, Ne Zha, and Fenrir. Scylla, Arachne, and Medusa don't belong in this game.

<World Serpent>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 8, 2018 4:41pm | Report
Dude, if I can do well with someone that I don't play often, he's a god.

My stat-line for Achilles:
  • Games played: 17
  • Kills: 104
  • Deaths: 69
  • Assists: 243
  • KDA: 3.27

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