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Ah Muzen Cab is still in need of love

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » Ah Muzen Cab is still in need of love 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 16, 2020 6:26pm | Report
I'm going to cover this in detail so if you already know the struggle of AMC fans skip to the bottom.

As a hunter main jumping around between them all the one hunter I used to love playing was AMC but rarely find myself picking him other than for fun these days. His kit is aging like fine milk. I really don't see why I would be picking him for any other reason. If you want vision Heimdallr provides that with insane damage, escape option, banish, knock back and rather tanky for a hunter. If you want burst damage damage AMC is great at that but gods like Ullr, Cupid and Hou Yi are all good at that too but they get escapes and CC options while AMC just gets a slow. If you want mobility Hachiman and Jing Wei have that but they have some of the best escape options in the game. Oh and of course Hachiman has a hard CC and Jing has a knock up.

I feel like the one thing he has potential in is with his ultimate. In the right setting you can ult, pick up your ult, ult again and so on. This allows you to constantly pump out his combo every 14 seconds. But there's a major catch to this... you have to go pick it up. A god with no escape has to go right up to a team fight to pick up his ultimate. Most of the time you're not doing that unless you want to die. The only times I ever get to use that ability is if I'm defending myself and I'm already right next to the person I'm using the ult on or if the team fight is in our favor and the enemies are running away.

Lets look at hunters with no escape. Artemis has two CC abilities to help her lack of escape. And Skadi has a root as previously mentioned but Skadi also gets a much higher base health pool. AMC, Cupid, Jing Wei and Neith all are the super squishy hunters. Notice all of those hunters have escapes or hard CC expect one?

TL:DR His kit lacks every thing other hunters have and it's aged poorly. What are some possible fixes? Maybe if he Swarms his own Hive it will blow up doing burst damage and sending a large cluster of Bees! to chase a single god within 12 units sending them into a fear state where they run from the Bees! for like 1 second or something quick but the cooldown on Swarm will be longer. Maybe instead of cripple the stinger can stun but can't stun the same enemy twice in a row? This would create a dangerous potential for the team to shut him down once he starts his ultimate combo. Or his ultimate flings off the target a little further away but not too far so it's not a free pick up, I realize that would be OP. I honestly don't know what can be done but I really want to see AMC in ranked. Won't ever see in SPL but at least ranked.

DATA: Win rate 40% lowest of all hunters.
Pick rate 2.44% lowest of all hunters.
SPL pick rate 0% of like the past decade? I'm exaggerating I think he was picked in S1 at some point? I tried Googling every SPL season for picks and can't find AMC at all. I didn't start watching till S4 so... I'm guessing 0%


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 17, 2020 1:40am | Report
AMC has been played in mid this season in SPL by Dardez several times. And maybe once or twice in ADC.

Also back in season 6 I believe he was pretty op when his passive procced item effects.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 17, 2020 1:26pm | Report
The infamous nerf... I get it was kinda too strong but that was his best defense against ganks was just bursting someone down before getting killed. I'm really surprised he was in SPL. I literally couldn't find a single result of him other than the loads of Reddit post saying he's trash. All the games I've watched of SSG this season Dardez was using Hera and Merlin but I might have missed a couple games.

I don't think he's trash or low tier garbage cause he's probably consistently floating around B or A tier with SPL players but his kit being compared to any other hunter feels weak. The only saving grace is that movement, attack speed buff on Hive which I can stomp in casual with a build focused around that. But in ranked he's just so easy to deal with. And that's not coming from my experience as a mediocre player getting killed using AMC, even playing against him he feels weak. If I'm Artemis I just blink and ult then he's dead. Or Ullr I can literally jump on him axe then combo him to death. I don't fear AMC in a lane.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 17, 2020 2:49pm | Report
He deals lots of poke damage (also has nice application of brawlers) and has decent 1v1 in lane unless he's ganked. He needs a team comp around him.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 17, 2020 4:21pm | Report
Yeah but most of the time instead of having a team recognize his comp potential I just get flammed for picking him instead of going with meta. Even though AMC might be good against the meta with magical ADCs but even then you take AMC in mid over Hel, Persephone, Merlin, Agni or Hera people going to be upset. Taking him duo over other hunters also get flamed. And if the team starts losing AMC is the first pick to be blamed even if you're positive KDA. Feels like I'm picking Loki or something. Granted that's just how toxicity goes. No one bats an eye if I pick Iza, Medusa, Apollo or Artemis despite they all need specific comps for.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 17, 2020 6:19pm | Report
If it’s casual it doesen’t matter, just pick him. In ranked I would be more wary of picking him.

Also only magic ADCs that are still highly valued are Olorun and Freya right now.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » September 17, 2020 6:57pm | Report
he is one of the 1-2 I actually had good matches with in duel...his pressure was insane..i mean, i'm sure the hel i was playing wasn't all that great..didn't seem to be, but regardless, that pressure...i would imagine that's the story for him to a degree in joust and conquest as well


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » September 17, 2020 7:00pm | Report
didn't see the other comments before i posted..i guess duel is really the biggest place he could shine from what i see everyone posting here.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 17, 2020 8:14pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

If it’s casual it doesen’t matter, just pick him. In ranked I would be more wary of picking him.

Also only magic ADCs that are still highly valued are Olorun and Freya right now.

Yeah I guess that's what I mean. I just want to see my boy in ranked more often. He's way more fun to play than Cupid (that's a personal preference) and his style of play is more exciting by using that movement speed placing down hives in smart places to rotate around faster. Then slowing solo or ADC on purple lane then popping them with Swarm and stinger. Casual AMC is such a fun hunter. Ranked it's brutal.

silentshell wrote:

didn't see the other comments before i posted..i guess duel is really the biggest place he could shine from what i see everyone posting here.

Oh duel and joust he's a beast when he doesn't have to worry about 2 man ganks or a team with 3 dive bomb gods. Like Thor solo is probably his worst nightmare. A tanky Thor who can dive him then hit with two CCs in case you beads one and his teleport lets him chase down. Artemis can at least do this beads>ultimate>buff>hold right tigger = dead Thor (hopefully).

Bloodforge and Asi sort of helps in that regard but without CC boxing is rather difficult. If it's laning yeah AMC poke and pressure is great, but once the ganks and rotating starts happening it's open season on AMC.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by silentshell » September 18, 2020 11:13am | Report
S7evin424 wrote:

Yeah I guess that's what I mean. I just want to see my boy in ranked more often. He's way more fun to play than Cupid (that's a personal preference) and his style of play is more exciting by using that movement speed placing down hives in smart places to rotate around faster. Then slowing solo or ADC on purple lane then popping them with Swarm and stinger. Casual AMC is such a fun hunter. Ranked it's brutal.

In arena I have gotten to where i lay them all on our side and right before mid and on the sides and then based on how my team is doing and how we pressure i will either keep that up or gradually shift them up to mid and possibly further and keep my max out as much as possible. I love them.


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