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Tier list of the People

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Forum » General Discussion » Tier list of the People 54 posts - page 6 of 6
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Thiel » November 8, 2013 6:35am | Report
Errr, for serious Conquest (Ranked):

-v Borderline tier lower
-^ Borderline tier higher

High Tier ->
Support (long): Sobek, Athena, Bacchus-v
Mid: Agni, Ao Kuang, He Bo, Poseidon
Solo: Guan Yu, Ra, Sun Wukong, Tyr,
ADC: Anhur, Apollo, Neith
Jungle: Fenrir, Hun Batz-v, Mercury, Thor, Thanatos, Ne Zha

Middle Tier ->
Support (long): Ymir, Aphrodite-v
Mid: , Eset-v, Zeus-^
Solo: Chang'e, Chronos, Hel, Zhong Kui, Hercules
ADC: Artemis-^, Xbalanque, Cupid, Ah Muzen Cab
Jungle: Bakasura, Freya, Loki, Arachne

Low Tier ->
Support (long): Vulcan, Ares, Hades-^
Mid: Anubis
Bruiser: Odin, Vamana
Jungle: Kali, Bastet

Obviously god tiers switch when you are counter picking, for example Artemis can "become" a high tier depending on who he will be laning against. I also didnt bother to rank tier to every role of every god, for example: freya solo/mid being low tier and freya jungle being mid tier.

This is mostly based on my experience from playing ranked (prior to League) and watching tournaments.
That's just my 2 cents.

Oy! Give me some privacy.


Memorable (12)
Posts: 325
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » November 8, 2013 6:40am | Report
Try to build Anubis with 2 lifesteal items, 2 cooldown items, defense and a good magic power item. He is god like that and will probably easily pwn any 1v1.

I played a conquest match where I basically had a build something like
2 lifesteal items, I think I went for the higher %lifesteal items.
Cooldown boots
Breastplate of valor for defense and max CD.
Focused Voidstone to make up for lack of pen
then you can add another item of your choice, gem for more cc, or maybe more power or defense.

Basically when I did that build I was wrecking people, I was even murdering sobek's tanky *** because the lifesteal I had was so good that I LITERALLY could lifesteal my hp back to full hp.
Also the defense keeps me alive and cd lets me spam.

So all in all I might start playing anubis like that more often because it worked out really well. I figured might as well take use of his passive and get 2 lifesteal items.

So all in all you have an Anubis who.

#1 Is no longer a squishy ***, he dies SUPER FAST if you build him glass cannon
#2 He has max Cooldowns because of CD boots and breast plate of valor
#3 He has some phy defense because of breast plate of valor
#4 You buy Focusedvoidstone to make up for PENETRATION and it also gives you SOME magic DEF.
#5 You now have 2 lifesteal items to heal up almost full hp on minion waves and gods
#6 You now have Pen, CD, amazing lifesteal and have defense to surive.
The last item is a toss up

BUT Anubis melts people even without going glass cannon, I mean most the people you CC are the squishy gods with no defense anyways.
SPEED is my fav buff with anubis, lets him escape and CC well.


Prominent (41)
Posts: 2077
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Thiel » November 8, 2013 6:44am | Report
ICEN wrote:


I feel like we're cross-topicing here. ;-) I agree with you, but for ranked games I don't really take 1v1 potential that much into consideration, unless you're a jungler, a proper ranked game usually has team fights due to immideate rotating. It's why I threw him on low tier.
That's just my 2 cents.

Oy! Give me some privacy.


Memorable (12)
Posts: 325
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Fungamespl » November 9, 2013 7:55am | Report
Talenhiem wrote:

A good Bastet will wait for you to jump, then jump after you, then hit with her 3 and drop her cats.

Okay, that's fair enough but one can always get blink/combat blink.
Talenhiem wrote:

Her cats gain the same speed buffs as the god they're chasing, so items like Sprint are useless. HoG takes only half their health.

Wow, didn't know about that.

Talenhiem wrote:
Xbalanque - Global stun? most if not all players will stop moving before the end, so it's only used for it's semi-blind.

Didn't know about that as well. That really places him lower than I thought.

Talenhiem wrote:

He has no waveclear ability.

Branching Bola?

Talenhiem wrote:

He is VERY mana hungry, even for a hunter.

Right, that's why we can use Meditate

Talenhiem wrote:
She's down there because of the lack of escape (...)
Yes, her Vengeful Assault gives movement speed, but it's more useful for chasing purposes than escaping - most jumps will catch up to her very quickly.

Still, it's an escape mechanism.

Talenhiem wrote:
and global ult.

Her ulti isn't global range like Neith's, but it hits up to 5 champions. Neith finds that hard to achieve with her Weaves. And she's briefly immune to CCs which I find extremelly good on ranged Physical carries.

Talenhiem wrote:
Also fun, and can be extremely dangerous, but easily screwed. Atm, I would say she's mid-tiered.

I'd actually say she finds it easy not to be screwed, but harder than Neith to screw somebody. She hasn't got ranged snare, but instead can land up to 3 on her line making it hard for a jungler to gank her. (provided he has no jump, but even then - he has to waste it to jump over trap)

Talenhiem wrote:
Vamana is a laning assassin, who's built tanky enough that it doesn't work out - he's squishy, and he has a low damage output.

I don't argue with his damage being low, but how come he's squishy if build tanky? I don't get it.

Talenhiem wrote:
I say, change his ult and passive, and add lifesteal to his 2, enough to lane. Then, I can see him being mid-high tier. But at what he's at right now, he's kinda ****.

I'd love him being able to cancel his umbrella dash and he'd be okay for me.


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Posts: 10

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