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The roles of the roles in the Meta

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Forum » General Discussion » The roles of the roles in the Meta 13 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » February 1, 2014 4:48pm | Report
I am split. I'm completely blown about just what each meta position does, or if it changes, what your team needs overall. Like, should the mid go for full damage, like Agni, or have some support in there as well, like Ra? Does the tank need a high CC payload to work? In that case, redefine Support Tank. Does the ADC get kills, or does damage, or both? or should they give a bit of utility as well?

what's the balance between earlygame/lategame, tank/damage, utility/straight damage, team support ( Hel)/offensive support ( Guan Yu), kills/damage, CC/Burst/Sustained damage? where's the line drawn for synergy?



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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » February 1, 2014 5:05pm | Report
Tanks should have atleast 2 Form of cc or Support abilitis, Odin have 3 for example, Sun Wukong have 2, athena have 3, Ymir have 4. They Need it to protect the Whole Team in lategame.
on Mid you mostly goe with magical dmg gods with a High waveclear and Burst dmg. Best roles: Agni, Ao Kuang and Zeus.
Why i did'nt manage ra ? Because he Loose the damage Potential of the above mentiond gods in Mid and Late Game.

On Solo atm the bruiser is pretty popular because in late Game they bring some cc and semi Tank abilitis to the table, the still are able to make hughe damage and have a Lot of sustain for the kaning phase.

Hel i dont like in competitiv for example, far to Easy to takedown, however against casual she is Good.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » February 1, 2014 5:20pm | Report
Setolino wrote:

Tanks should have atleast 2 Form of cc or Support abilitis, Odin have 3 for example, Sun Wukong have 2, athena have 3, Ymir have 4. They Need it to protect the Whole Team in lategame.
on Mid you mostly goe with magical dmg gods with a High waveclear and Burst dmg. Best roles: Agni, Ao Kuang and Zeus.
Why i did'nt manage ra ? Because he Loose the damage Potential of the above mentiond gods in Mid and Late Game.

On Solo atm the bruiser is pretty popular because in late Game they bring some cc and semi Tank abilitis to the table, the still are able to make hughe damage and have a Lot of sustain for the kaning phase.

Hel i dont like in competitiv for example, far to Easy to takedown, however against casual she is Good.

I'm talking more like a big, interconnected variation ratio between offensive support, defensive support, damage, utility, CC, synergy, tankiness, burst, sustained damage, presence, pseudo-effects, offense, defense, etc. etc. etc.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 1, 2014 10:35pm | Report
Tanks have a role of being a "kill" support in-lane. They typically burst their abilities to quickly kill an enemy laner. Geb is the sole exception, being a psuedo "poke" lane by shielding the ally ADC so he can poke.

Supports must also roam and help other lanes.

In a teamfight, tanks have several roles:

-Healing (Guan Only)

Tanks do not necessarily need to master all roles, nor do they need bucketloads of CC. Athena has only one hard CC, for example.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 1, 2014 10:39pm | Report
Hunters have one main role: deal damage. Their entire purpose is late-game damage (generally speaking). It's simple, to be honest. Don't die, deal massive damage.

Why ranged? Why physical?

Ranged because a ranged ADC is much harder to kill than a melee ADC, not to mention they are a lot easier to protect in-lane. Physical because crits are supposed to be the best late-game scaling stats in the game. Alas, Polynomicon and Freya.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 1, 2014 10:40pm | Report
Mids are burst mages because the current meta supports an insane amount of burst, especially with the post-hit delay being lowered. They have good waveclear in a game where waveclearing is the best option, and any levels they recieve make them a monster. In fact, that's what I dislike about this game - every mage is a carry.

They can also roam efficiently since their burst is high enough to make roaming ganks faster.

Mids are also a very chaotic lane, due to the constant mid camps and roaming ganks.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 1, 2014 10:41pm | Report
Solo laners are like auxiliary mids. You select one god to gain about as much XP and gold as the mid, so they can roam and help other lanes. Their roles are easily the most diverse in Smite, bruiser solo, ADC solo, burst mage solo, sustain mage solo, etc.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » February 1, 2014 10:45pm | Report
Junglers are also like support; only they help the entire team. Just think of it that way.

Assassins jungle by getting kills.

Supports jungle by giving kills.

ADCs like Mercury or Bakasura jungle so they can get kills of opportunity, letting them snowball to ROFL-stomp over the enemy team's face.

Magical and physical have no distinction in the jungle. They are either support junglers, assassin junglers, or carry junglers.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by arka222 » February 2, 2014 12:19am | Report
In competitive mode, teams always go for balance like:


This has been a meta for long...wy it isn't changed?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » February 2, 2014 12:40am | Report
arka222 wrote:

In competitive mode, teams always go for balance like:


This has been a meta for long...wy it isn't changed?

It's because it's the most balanced team comp. There really is no other reason. With too much of one role, you'll lack something else. Having a usual team comp provides an organised and balanced team comp.

As an example, a team consisting of:

-Mage (Support)
-Hunter (Solo lane)

Will generally lack the ability to tank hits, dying incredibly quickly in team fights and having no 'lasting power'.

Of course, I'm not saying that this kind of comp has no chance of winning against a balanced comp (as it is a very killed focused team composition), but balanced compositions tend to have a much higher chance.
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