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The 1-Shot Meta

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Forum » General Discussion » The 1-Shot Meta 16 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SherriffTurtle » July 22, 2014 10:30pm | Report
The game is still relatively new, only a few months since official release and only a couple years since open beta release, so don't expect everything to be as balanced as a game like LoL, which has been on shelves much longer than smite. Not only that, but add in Hi-Rez' notoriety for bad balancing (Tribes: Ascend) then you have a recipe for X-shots. I mean, most of the gods in this game fit two categories: Op as balls, or useful as dissintegrated dust from yesterday's day of not cleaning. There are a few exceptions, but otherwise yeah, don't expect your god to be super balanced. It's just a phase most games go through nowadays.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » July 22, 2014 10:46pm | Report
Raventhor wrote:

It's not about them missing it's about you dodging, it makes a lot of sense. That's the point of a skillshot.

But at least you disregarded the entire point of my post, that's always nice.

Well, just because it's possible to avoid something doesn't mean it happens enough for it to be a significant factor. That's what I'm getting at.

I mean, sure, it may be technically possible to juke Rain Fire, but it doesn't happen often enough to warrant making everyone squishier.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » July 22, 2014 10:51pm | Report
Subzero008 wrote:

Well, just because it's possible to avoid something doesn't mean it happens enough for it to be a significant factor.

I can see what you mean with that, for example the He Bo 3 knochup into Ultimate is impsossible to avoid without using preemitve beads. To take the most op example.

I mean at a certain skill level it is just about if you are better at juking or if he is better at hitting. I wouldnt complain about a bit more varierty, and would like a few mages nerfd, they have simple stupid combos to oneshot you. However the most adc should stay untouched due to the possiblty to atleast juke the AA´s. Except Rama, Rama is just annoying.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » July 22, 2014 10:58pm | Report
I'm not saying everything is able to be dodged all the time I'm saying because EVERYTHING is a skillshot, we have to take it into account numbers wise. If skills did the same as they would if there were many targetted abilities, tanks would be ridiculously broken and burst mages/assassins would rarely exist.

But again, getting back to my *original point in there that was ignored*, they don't have the scaling appropriate yet. Hence why the dawngate scaling back was a good idea. The premise is there, but they don't have the appropriate amount of damage comparatively yet.

What's the point of adding in a counterargument in a discussion if it's assumed to be my point..


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » July 22, 2014 11:10pm | Report
If skills did the same, tank abilities would be skillshots (or have weaker effects for practical nonskillshots), and would therefore not be broken.

And um, your point about them being screwed up in scaling numbers and such, well, I kinda assumed that the top paragraph was your main point. And I don't have anything to say about that, anyway, because I agree - damage numbers in this game are unbalanced.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » July 22, 2014 11:12pm | Report
Setolino wrote:

I can see what you mean with that, for example the He Bo 3 knochup into Ultimate is impsossible to avoid without using preemitve beads. To take the most op example.

I mean at a certain skill level it is just about if you are better at juking or if he is better at hitting. I wouldnt complain about a bit more varierty, and would like a few mages nerfd, they have simple stupid combos to oneshot you. However the most adc should stay untouched due to the possiblty to atleast juke the AA´s. Except Rama, Rama is just annoying.

Yeah, basic attacks are pretty much the only thing that can be regularly juked, if you aren't hit by their bucketloads of CC first (like Rama's slow, or Anhur's slow, or Art's stun, or Neith's everything, etc). About the only ADC who truly relies on skillshots is Apollo, but even he is fairly easy to play.

And yes, Rama is a little overpowered peasant who deserves to be stoned to death with hardcover Twilight books.


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