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Need tips for league matches

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Forum » General Discussion » Need tips for league matches 12 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pizzarugi » May 11, 2015 6:19pm | Report
As most of you are aware, HiRez is giving out the "Solid Hornet" AMC skin to players who win 20 league matches. For someone like me, who really loves playing AMC, this skin is a must-have! So, what's the problem? I've never played league matches, in fact I loathe it, but HiRez gated a skin of my most favorite god there so I'm obligated to play them.

I'm sure some of you here don't need more players who don't tryhard and thus cost your team the game, so I'm asking for help. I need whatever advice you can provide for someone like me who wants to beat league matches as quickly as possible then return to casual.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
IGN: Pizzarugi (Add me if you like joust, assault, siege or arena)
Total Diamonds: 9 (Latest: Ymir, Cabrakan, Bellona)
Favorite Gods: Ah Muzen Cab, Bastet, Loki
Favorite Roles: Carry, Assassin
Least Favorite Roles: Tank

Looking to be great at laning as Ah Muzen Cab? Check out this guide! It was the runner up for best hunter guide in the season 2 contest.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » May 11, 2015 6:54pm | Report
Pick non-risky picks.

Use every dirty trick you have.

Be the scumbag meta playing wombo combo ******** player.

And grind. Forever.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Wolfman5665 » May 11, 2015 6:59pm | Report
If you can get the skin through 1v1 leagues, do it. Players in conquests are just plain jerks, you wont have a whiney team in a 1v1, PLUS you could play amc and wreck them all. I would recommend banning baka and Aphrodite if you can.

EDIT: I noticed that you have a bakasura diamond, use him in the 1v1 leagues, hes amazing in 1v1s. When I play baka 1v1 I ban kali, Freya, or He Bo.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pizzarugi » May 11, 2015 7:16pm | Report
Wolfman5665 wrote:

If you can get the skin through 1v1 leagues, do it. Players in conquests are just plain jerks, you wont have a whiney team in a 1v1, PLUS you could play amc and wreck them all. I would recommend banning baka and Aphrodite if you can.

EDIT: I noticed that you have a bakasura diamond, use him in the 1v1 leagues, hes amazing in 1v1s. When I play baka 1v1 I ban kali, Freya, or He Bo.

If it helps with your advice, I have the following gods at diamond: Loki, AMC, Freya, Bastet, Bakasura, Anubis, Ymir

I don't think Kali would be too much of a threat to Baka. Slapping on Witchblade and getting Enfeebling Curse would severely impact her effectiveness. I'll keep the suggestion in mind though.
IGN: Pizzarugi (Add me if you like joust, assault, siege or arena)
Total Diamonds: 9 (Latest: Ymir, Cabrakan, Bellona)
Favorite Gods: Ah Muzen Cab, Bastet, Loki
Favorite Roles: Carry, Assassin
Least Favorite Roles: Tank

Looking to be great at laning as Ah Muzen Cab? Check out this guide! It was the runner up for best hunter guide in the season 2 contest.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 12, 2015 2:11am | Report
the problem with kali is that she is really hard to kill because she only pops her ult and if you die to her she gets bonus gold


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » May 12, 2015 6:37am | Report
Kali isn't a problem against baka, you just need so.e physical protection like midguardian mail or nemean if the kali builds crit.

Because of this amc skin, a lot of players are going to play 1v1s with bakasura cheese. So unless you're comfortable playing a mirror matchup, ban him. My bans include chronos, baka, and either he bo, freya, hel, or poseidon depending on the god I pick.

I suggest to play what you're best at, I've **** on people with serqet, arachne, nemesis, and ao kuang quite frequently in diamond ranked joust matches. Too bad I only play joust 1v1 casually now lol

I'm getting my wins from conquest though.. hopefully it won't mess up my grind to diamond

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » May 13, 2015 12:30pm | Report
wait is there a 1v1 joust in casual form now or do you see 1v1 joust as casual (sry haven't touched smite for a month been playing too much dato with all4 and some of my IRL friends)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Reverend Belial » May 13, 2015 11:08pm | Report
Think it's feasible for someone with no Diamonds or ranked experience to get enough wins for that skin? Because if one more ******** limited skin that I actually want passes me by I'm gonna stab somebody.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pizzarugi » May 14, 2015 1:04am | Report
You don't need diamonds to be good. I've lost tons of matches against players using gods with low mastery versus my diamond choices.

On another note, I finally got the 20 wins and thus the AMC skin. Thank ****, I can finally go back to casual matches.
IGN: Pizzarugi (Add me if you like joust, assault, siege or arena)
Total Diamonds: 9 (Latest: Ymir, Cabrakan, Bellona)
Favorite Gods: Ah Muzen Cab, Bastet, Loki
Favorite Roles: Carry, Assassin
Least Favorite Roles: Tank

Looking to be great at laning as Ah Muzen Cab? Check out this guide! It was the runner up for best hunter guide in the season 2 contest.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Setolino » May 14, 2015 6:05am | Report
Just que joust so you dont **** up your team. In order to play Conq League you should have atleast masterd 50-60 gods and should be able to play every role.

In Joust just bann chronos and Kali and you can wrek with Baka,Freya and Loki.
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