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Is Qin's Sais Overpowered?

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Forum » General Discussion » Is Qin's Sais Overpowered? 15 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Animusliberus » January 3, 2014 6:02pm | Report
ugh I just want my old HS + Devo build back
stacking for days :D

but Qin's is just too good to pass up on :/
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 3, 2014 7:33pm | Report
Look at 17:00-17:55


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Deathsession » January 4, 2014 1:41am | Report
Drybear says it's broken.. Pretty much ben confirmed. I pretty much knew it though. I get this item on most physicals. Almost no reason not too.

I'd nerf the Power by 10-15?

As for blades. Same thing for power. but maybe even add 5% or so extra IAS? It's supposed to be a shredding item to help you get them down low. And that would help it serve it's purpose.

Of course this is all IMO, and kinda numbers out of my butt.

ATM this item kinda gives you everything you need. No downsides.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » January 4, 2014 1:55am | Report
yeah he is pretty much right on that. every adc/assassin is buying it in litterly everygame.

i actually prefer blades.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » January 4, 2014 2:57am | Report
I agree the lifesteal should be reverted back to the health it used to give. Understand that providing Physical Power, Attack Speed (2nd only to Fatalis), AND Lifesteal on the same item is basically a jackpot for physical gods. It also costs only 2650 gold, which is a bit less than items like Bloodforge, Voidblade, and The Executioner. Yet it's more effective than any of those, and we haven't even factored in the passive yet.

Then there's the fact that Sais always does an additional 20 physical damage in addition to the 6% of missing health effect, which always makes it strong. So an item that already skyrockets DPS becomes even more powerful as a fight goes on.

Blades, while they still have the same bloated stats as Sais, are picked less because they're not as effective as killing squishies who are often the most damaging gods on either side of a team. While in theory the damage should even out between Blades and Sais, that is rarely the case because most committed offense starts when an opponent is missing health, usually as a result of poke damage from skills. In teamfights, the hunters and assassins usually follow up on the initial peel/burst damage openings when their opponents are missing chunks of health, and that's where Sais come into play.

Qin's Blades were originally intended to be an anti-HP item, in a game where health stacking was rarely viable, so the old 2% of max HP shred never really worked as well as it should, especially after they converted the bonus damage to physical. Buffing the %age shred was fine, but they didn't need to give it lifesteal to make hunters even more difficult to kill, or an alternate variant that becomes stronger once a target is close to half HP.
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