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January 03, 2020
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December 31, 2019
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December 26, 2019
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So it's done, my thoughts on the home stretch gods.

Ao Kuang, dam was he fun to play especially making the choice of throwing his Dragon Call, lost the game I played since I wasn't able to carry hard enough for the feeding Ymir

Anubis old goobis, melted some faces and damn does his lifesteal go through the roof with thyphons

Anhur basics felt really powerfull to me for some reason even without Shifting Sands gotta practise the pillar stun though

Amaterasu like her and don;t like her at the same time, she sticks well to opponents however her ult is a bit annoying because of the jumping part.

Ah Puch he has a lot of burst with a well placed 2 but after that he does not much, also in arena I didn;t really use his passive as corpses get cleaned quickly. Also annoying he only stuns on an ability heal giving him pretty much no peel.

Ah Muzen Cab still feels the same and still meh in arena because of the hives being easily destroyed.

Agni still able to do his combo, however h…
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December 24, 2019
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So close to the end before Christmas, depending on how much I play I might even reach the end before the end of the year.

Heimdallr like him but didn't really like his 2 and his ulty is damn powerfull banishing someone for 4s can change a teamfight. I'm awaiting nerfs for it though.

Fafnir fun guy love his dragon form makes him pretty strong and hsi base form is also decent. what you would expect from a transform got like this. Only hard to notice when it stops sometimes.

Erlang Shen liked his basic attack style, however he doesn't stick well without his ult. also the healing from his ult is great but it took a while before I remembered it was my ult healing (#overvalueingbeserker shield)

Discordia love the ult and her 2, don;t really like her 1 for the second proc but damn does it do damage if you hit someone with at the bounce.

Da Ji like her but her thousand cuts always seems better when used against me. Also took me a while to figure out you could tp to allies (not that p…
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December 18, 2019
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Today I discovered a new expression for the smite community: A circus (credits to Stuke). A bit later I decided to play a ranked with a friend on xbox (Yes, you can imagine what comes now).

In the ranked I had the following situation:
I was a mid laner with no escape. The match was completely messed, I had a PS4 player that was the support (a support with no escape too but with decent damage). The support kinda played using I don't know, his feet maybe? and just threw some kills and fed the enemy a bit with some ultra non-sense calls (nothing new). But after he messed with duo he went mid to mess with me. There I started to get ganked by 3 guys and support watching me die. Not happy, Odin, who lost his lane on solo came to mid to once, twice, three times, four times... And our solo Chaac does think that because he said "Enemy missing" he doesn't need to do anything else. After some "Gently" pings he said "cancel that" and kept pushing the tower. Support and JG also started to **** f…
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December 18, 2019
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December 17, 2019
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December 16, 2019
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After not being on for 3 weeks and logging in to try Heimdallr. Most of a match spent in base trying to set keybindings and a lone attempt to use kb/mouse(hate and have no desire to play that way) and dying horribly. Spent the rest of time until my team surrendered in base so i wasn't basically feeding. At least my team was inderstanding as i apologized and explained the situation. I really hate console play as well so i guess i will have no urge to play intil they fix this. Submitted my ticket and went to the hirez forums and apparently this has been an issie aince the update dropped. Come on hirez....anyone else affected by this issue?

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December 11, 2019
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December 03, 2019
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So I'm slightly reluctant to give updates mostly because I use my free time mostly to play the game XD. So yeah this is going to be a big one.

He didn't change a bit, I still never really manage to one shot people, however I did score a lot of assists nuking people for my team to pick up.

Kinda went into playing him with the wrong mindset (something with rammus from LoL) however his damage reflect feels week.

still as frustrating to play against still fun to play as.

So I kidna played him before and after the buff. Which honestly I needed to hit the nadoes XD. I was heavily out of practice with him.

King Arthur
I can't play this guy like everyone else in arena. Only manage to get his empowered ult 2 timers in 3-4 games. did win several games because of the amount of stuff enemies burned on me.

Everyones favorite hug bug. didn't feel changed (maybe apart from his now not overpowered 2)

Still a late game monster. still a slightl…
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