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May 31, 2015
+Rep | Report
So the hunter-guardian meta is the new thing, but you can't stand it right? You have to escape but there's no where to go.. well do I have the strategy for you!

Has the new meta sucked all the fun out of your life?
Do you find yourself questioning why you play smite at all anymore?

Think again with our patented Bacchus destruction strategy!®

Just look at that magnificent bastard

So obviously Bacchus is only suited to one role, and that role is jungler. His immeasurable grace and bursty damage is enough to take out even the tankiest of adcs, junglers and mages. Before we get any further, lets cover your build.

Such beauty

So anyone that plays Bacchus at all will know that this is a pretty standard build for him, but for those who don't let's get into the details.

Build Strategy

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May 31, 2015
+Rep | Report
Yeah, I realize how ungrateful I've been recently.

Haven't played Smite in a while, I've been playing a lot of other games, including some other mobas, such as League and HotS.

I decided probably 2 months ago to take a break from Smite. It was getting stale and, well, I wanted something fresh. I, for once in my life, took Smite for granted. Biggest mistake ever.

HotS is fun, but too simple. League is hardly exciting to win, yet rage inducing to lose.

And I decided, well, I might play Smite soon. Idk. Other games have me frustrated, and the things that frustrate me make me realize that Smite doesn't have those problems.

For example, League I find champs who have almost-none/no skill shots extremely annoying to play against because I feel like I'm not losing because I'm a worse player, I feel like I'm losing because, well, they're playing an insanely easy champ. I then realize, in Smite, that's not really that much of an issue. Or not nearly as much. So.

Hopefully I'll be on tomorr…
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May 30, 2015
+Rep | Report

Remember me? (Please tell me that at least one of you guys do ;_;)

After taking a break of what feels like forever due to my IRL friends quitting, I'm finally starting to burn out of Pokemon. While I'm still going to play it, I needed to have something that I can interchange with Pokemon. After hearing from one of my IRL friends that Smite is actually really good now, I decided to give it another go.

So, I will need to be enlightened on all the changes that I missed (basically, the Sylvanus update and all afterwards).

Personally, the biggest change in my eyes is the Purple buff. I don't even know what it does, but I feel that the lane placement metagame (assassin/bruiser jungler|DPS mage mid|ADC/Tank in long lane|solo in short lane) is drastically changed compared to how I know it.

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May 28, 2015
+Rep | Report
So I started making a guide the other day. When I saved and quit it said that it had 10 views (All mine). Then, when I logged in today it says that it has 30 views? How? Are moderators allowed to view guides before they're posted or something? I remember this happening with my Aphrodite guide and I had just thought it was a glitch, now its happening again and its creeping me out!

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May 28, 2015
+Rep | Report
Ok, so I'm going to base this off the current state of game. There will be no crafting of items in this, nor will there be specific god/ability changes, since I'm not a design member and I've seen how people blow up over minutia in those fields. That said, I will note items/gods/abilities that need nerfs, buffs, or removals. Most of my comments are going to be on everything beside mid; I am not an expert on the state of mid in S2, so feel free to comment on my evaluations.
Things that Need to Happen
  • Bluestone Pendant needs to be removed, and Heartseeker needs a nerf. This seems very agreed upon by the community here, even if HiRez doesn't recognize it. For those who missed the enormous conversation in the forum, Bluestone Pendant removes the inherent weakness of hunters, and Heartseeker makes them stronger in their weakest period.
  • Qin's Sais needs to be reverted to its old state. Guardians are popular now because nothing short of a full power-penetration Loki can get throu

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May 26, 2015
+Rep | Report
Everything in Smite is ******** broken. Everything about it had taken a nose dive into **** and I'm not sure if I want to keep playing anymore.
The gods in the game are so unbalanced ether they are over-powered as hell to the point if you have that god on your team you have win condition and there's nothing to stop them or so under-powered that they fell out of existence and no one will ever play them again because they suck so much. There are five gods in the S+ tier and 3 gods in the C teetering on D tier for how badly they are balanced. I have been saying this over and over again, but Hi-Rez seriously need to have their balancing team get their act together or get fired and replaced with people who know what they are doing. Another thing that is completely broken is the matchmaking system. I have a problem with this as you will get bad teammates or the worst, extremely good enemies and you won't know it until it's too late. If Hi-Rez implemented a system or a thing that tells you sp…
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May 25, 2015
+Rep | Report
I want to make a conquest team for Xbox one of 5 players who have experienced with the game but you don't have to be pro. I'm a level 5 and I'm looking for 4 other players who like conquest, with mics, who want to get down to some strategic play. Apply if you wish and thanks!

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May 24, 2015
+Rep | Report
Heya guys. I had the last graduating exam today and passed it! After 5 12 years in hell, I have come home with only one goal, to save my city I have finally graduated. 4 exams behind, 5 to go. After hopefully passing that 5 exams I will be accepted in the university. And well after that I hope I will be able to be more active here, play more Smite and just have more fun. Because the thing is, I don't remember anything from September 2014, because , well, nothing happened. It was just go to school, go to teacher, come home, study, go to teacher, sleep all over again and nothing special happened. I hope I will be able to fix that in upcoming years ;)

The overlined text is from 'Arrow'. While writing I remembered the intro to every episode and decided to use it :D

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May 22, 2015
+Rep | Report
Hey everyone,

I have 2 beta keys that I'm willing to pass out. The catch though, is you have to play with me at least once. I've been playing on the xbone for a couple of weeks and am frustrated with the lack of team work. Very few people use mics, and a lot of people run around like idiots. I'm definitely not the best player out there, but I'm not too bad. I really would like to play with some people consistently and who are willing to work together as a team and have fun. If you are interested please let me know.


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May 21, 2015
+Rep | Report
Why some times you find the scum of scum in LEAGUE matches, but you find the nicest ppl in casuals ? I now League is nerve wrecking and blabidy blabidy bla, but still, If you play League you know that if you are a ****, your entire team will get stressed out, thus making you loose ( in most scenarios ).

Another thing : Why does it look like Conquest is not being as nearly as it should be played ? Toxicity ? Fear of not doing something by the "META" BS ? Like, why ?

~This post was inspired by Ratatoskr's god reveal site, where there's the " Go Nuts " on the very ending ... yeap ^^~

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