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A funnel for all the member blogs on SmiteFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire post.
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March 15, 2015
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Hello I am recruiting people for my clan in SMITE!
I made a clan to play ConquestPremades, LeaguesConquest, Normals and to have fun with clan members.
I'm looking for active, coopertaive and serious players!
The only rule is to respect each other.

ClanName: LegendsUnited

PlayerName: GloriousFairy

PlayerLevel: 30

Email: [email protected]

If you are interested please add me as a friend and u can message me on Gmail. =)

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March 14, 2015
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March 14, 2015


Views: 1675 Subzero008
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Terry took Death's arm and followed him through the doors and on to the black desert under the endless night.

The End."

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March 12, 2015

Im Back!

Views: 1808 DucksRock
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So, When i saw everyone leaving, i have decided to come back. I am still waiting though for mekali to come back, but i realized it ain't gonna happen.
I fell in love with Scylla recently, So i bought her daisy despair skin.
And i also fell in love with Artemis, because i got her stone age skin.
I will try to be more active this time, and i will be more available for party invites at the clan.

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March 12, 2015
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This is my real farewell blog.

To much has happened ever since I joined SmiteFire. I've seen people come and go. Others rage quit and others got tired of the game.

For me, I'm about to graduate. Got a lot of stuff to do. And even after graduation I have a lot of plans. So I wont be able to game. AT ALL.

I might not even have the time to use the internet for leisure let alone SmiteFire. All my attention would be on my work, especially since I was able to get into a TV studio. And boy I was lucky. Going to be part of the production team. Just on the assistant part. Paid intern and all that **** I think.

Check out my Blog, that's where I put most of my projects. Kinda how I got picked up too. Guess making that blog was a good idea. Got to remember to thank my mother for using one.

But also I need to thank YOU GUYS! You have no idea how much you've all inspired some of my works and how they brought me here today!

I'm going to miss you! I might pass by here once in a while if I can.

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March 12, 2015
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I played Smite. One Arena, One Conquest, One Conquest Ranked. And for the record, conquest ranked ended up as a win with me as a 10-1-3 Thor. MVP.

And it's the same damn game as before. Maybe it looks better, maybe it's shinier, maybe it has a few more gizmos than before. But at its core, it's still flawed for exactly the same reasons I left the game to begin with.

"Teamfights" are nothing but chaotic orgies of everyone trying to wombo combo the other team before the other. Nobody wants to play support. This game is still ridiculously snowbally. There's no counterplay. The amount of strategic depth in this game is ridiculously tiny. Seriously, that ranked game was just us getting a lucky kill, and then wombocombosnowballing them every single time, from skirmishes to full on teamfights.

There is something seriously wrong with the game if I can leave for more than two months and get back and play with just the same amount of skill as before. I ended up pitying the enemy team, and thin…
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March 11, 2015
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So I watched season one, I LOVED IT, it had an amazing plot and I liked the character development. The ability to take away bending also made the villain seem very strong and scary.

Season 2 however made me extremely disappointed, that whole good and evil spirit thing giving avatar their power kinda made me annoyed. Though what really ticked me off was Korra losing her avatar connection, I was looking forward to conversations with Aang. The spirit portal thing was kinda cool though.

Season 3 was perhaps my favorite, the 4 locked away prisoners getting together to form a unstoppable team was very awesome. Though I did kind of wonder how he mastered air bending the second he got it lol. Anyways it was amazing until the end of it. Korra AGAIN losing her avatar state made me see her as a weak main character. I understand that drama is necessary though I was annoyed seeing her still struggle with the avatar state on season 3. I hated how all the hype was built up to just poisoning the ava…
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March 11, 2015
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Who have Dragon Ball Xenoverse ? I just got it and love everything about this game. Somebody i can play with/against :D

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March 11, 2015
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So now that I play a lot of different MOBA's because mostly my friends are all divided over them. (LoL I got some friends my brother and some friends on smite and most of the old SF members on dota2 and some of my best friends in dota2) I have been playing a lot of dota 2.

So some days back I played a game with all4. and as I'm pretty trolly I random as always randomming batrider which I never played. All4 picked Bristle and the other team mates sniper lina and skywrath.

early game nothing happens but sniper dc. after 10 min (all4 decided he didn't come back after 7 so sold his stuff) he came back. he gets mad and he and the other 2 leave because of this (were a pre made those 3) ending it up in a 2v5. well we decided to play because we couldn't do a second match. And we ended up winning after we sold there stuff and all4 got most of his items up don't believe me?

Okay I didn't do much of the killing as I couldn't take them on in a 2v1 most of the time (Ursa in a 1v1) but I was push…
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March 10, 2015
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After a month or so of playing League of Legends, I've decided to reevaluate.

Well, basically, the conclusion I've come to is, what makes Smite hard and what makes League hard are completely different things, which is something I didn't understand going into it.

Smite is difficult in the whole concept of landing skillshots, more mechanical sort of things.

League is difficult in a more RTS sort of sense, map awareness, teamwork, etc.

But yet I find League pretty much, well, casual, and much easier than Smite. Which to me is a problem, because I like games that take a lot of skill to perfect.

Why does League still seem casual, even after all of this map awareness and teamwork ****? Well it's a simple explanation.

I've come to the conclusion that, even though what makes Smite hard and what makes League hard are completely different things, well, I find the things that make League hard, easy.

Like I said, what makes League hard are things like map awareness and other RTS elements.

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