April 01, 2018

Did Hi-Rez forget Cupid?

Views: 1683 xmysterionz
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Cupid  |  forget  |  god  |  hi-rez
Today I'm here to talk with you about Cupid and if he needs or not changes 'cause he looks like abandoned.

The last change Cupid received was at 3.18 patch on September 27th, 2016 (We are in 5.5 today, when I'm posting this April 1st, 2018).

Here is the changes for those that don't remember

And from this day Hi-Rez forgot Cupid adding only skins.
From this day a lot of Gods has changed, and other ones were added and Cupid stay the same. Not saying he is bad, unplayable and NEEDS a REWORK but come on, he is not the best option in almost every situation. He is not bad, but also is not good. I want Hi-Rez to do some changes on him to make him a more viable god.

Some changes I would like to see on Cupid:
On Lovestruck
  • I don't think Lovestruck needs any changes, it works pretty well this way.

On Heart Bomb

On Share The Love

On Flutter

He is my main, so I guess you all guys understand that everyone defend their mains :v. (except He Bo, there is no way to defend this brainless god). And you my reader? Do you agree with this? What God do you want to change and what changes do you want to do?