October 30, 2019

Busy McPants

Views: 6220 ThePerfectPrism
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busy  |  so busy  |  much busy  |  please excuse me  |  i miss ya'll
Ok, lemme first say I'm sorry for just disappearing without notice, I just got caught up with university, had to hand in a **** ton of papers, projects, and the likes of such, and now I'm having a breathing room but not really cuz I'm going to show this weekend and next week is my birthday so yeah

I'm developing a game for a project in one of my classes this semester, so coding and story writing, planning, developing, is taking much of my free time, and I also have 4 other classes that I have to hand in papres, projects and etc, so yeah, not a lot of free time.

I'm mainly writing this to say that I'm playing SMITE on my birthday, November 8th, a Friday, so that I can talk to some of ya'll cuz I miss talking to ya'll, really only talking to my therapist and my irl friends is getting boring lol. I'll play at the time Bran normally plays, so yeah, if you wanna join, be there <3

Also, if you ever need to contact me for ANYTHING, you can do so by DMing me on Discord, on Steam, or in any other of my social platforms, if you have them!

Again, sorry for not being here, I've just been busy and I didn't want to do a lackluster job here. Yeah, love ya'll <3