June 07, 2018

Smite is a Joke

Views: 2880 Stuke99
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This game is a bloody mess of unpolished turds collected together willy-nilly without a care while the sit on their small pile of money they got from overpriced skins and gambling with the RNG functionality of the chest rolls. I've never been this disappointed in HR in a long time ever since the domination of the Double Hunter meta of season 2. Hi-Rez clearly doesn't give a **** about their own game and with this new schedule of how the patches come out, and when the patches go live, it makes the bad patches even more broken and buggy then that claim especially since there were numerous bugs they had to remove not one but TWO gods because of how broken they are mechanically which they said they were going to avoid. If HR got off their ***es and stopped jerking off dogs long enough to make a decent game that can be sustained without having to rely on gambling machines to get their cheap cash then maybe they will get more respect in the MOBA/eSport sphere.