January 06, 2016

Solo Lane Shenanigans

Views: 1593 Sodsboy
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Solo Lane  |  Thoughts
So I've been practicing Solo lane for quite some time at the current moment and I've been realising quite a few funny things that happen which really make me chuckle.

1) Osiris mirror matches are absolutely funny at times especially when it comes to the war of slows. Using your 1 and your 2 and then to have Frostbound Hammer and midguardian mail makes people go soooooo slooow..

2) Bellona mirror matches, this can be tough but when it comes to the last line of health and both use Bludgeon and kill each other makes me chuckle.

3) THE FIGHT OF THE BLUE BUFF! You know when you're going to your blue buff and you find the enemy chilling there trying to steal it only for a massive fight to go on between you two and the mid laner if they decide to come over.

4) The moment when their jungler comes in and decides to gank only for you to ***** slap them back to the fountain. I've had this happen to me when I played Sun Wukong and had a Bakasura gank me...They waste their jump to initiate on me only for me to stun them under tower and land the slow and finish them off why smacking them on the top of the head with a cudgel.

5) Some builds are hilarious to look at, most professional solo players normally tend to rush either Mystical Mail or just go boots and then start. Most funniest start I've come across is seeing a guy rush Stone of Gaia against a physical god, I mean sure you get some magical but since you didn't get physical I'm going to be tearing through you.

So those are some of the things I find funny in solo lane.