June 12, 2016

Ducks's Big Mastery X Adc Journey- Hou!

Views: 1152 DucksRock
So, Hi! If you remember, i'm on a journey to get all adcs (Except Neith, yuck) to X!

recently, i have gotten Hou Yi to X. This will be very similar to Bran's series, but in this one, i am going to share the last 3 games/ 3 games im proud of or stuff happened in them, so lets begin!

Hou Yi, Defender Of The Feeding team! (First Game)

So, In this game, me and a random rock Geb were fighting Ah Muzen Cab and Fafnir in the dou lane, i squashed the bee and shot 999999 holes in his body, and probably caused him to have psychological and physical trauma, if you dont see an Ah Muzen Cab for a long time, this is probably the reason. i pity the poor guy, fighting Hou Yi as Ah Muzen Cab is not fun. AT ALL.

meanwhile, our Susano was fighting our own team and was throwing insults at each member of our team, for example: "Posi u ***** hahahahaha", As you could see, the guy was a really mature and nice guy and knew how to befriend and gain the trust of his allies, when he said me and how carry u noobs (Original spelling, didn't change a thing) i decided that i didn't want a part of his pride party, so i just told him to stop being a salty Crybaby, which he responded with silence that lasted for about 3 minutes as he just continued to bash our Amaterasu.

our Poseidon was pretty passive, and Susano, not noticing that, ran into the midlane and let to Sol having advantage over the poor Poseidon. Meanwhile in solo, Amaterasu was NOT having fun against the Odin. he got fed pretty quickly, but it was Odin, so he fell off late.

When we were about to finish the third pheonix and charge at their Titan, the enemy Sol ragequitted. Lol?

I also got a sweet triple bounce on the enemy Ah Muzen Cab, i am currently asking hirez for a replay so i can show that off.

Final score: 20/4/4, Yep, I had fun. lol.

Game Details 1,
Game Details 2.

Find. Contentment. (Second Game)

(The title is a reference to Jandroid Janus's VVGF.)

So, at the start of the game, the enemy solo got a kill on Kali, not a problem. although our Janus died too. and what did he do? blame Kali, of course! he was out of Control (Some people link to TvTropes, I link to songs that are appropriate for the situation), one minute he was like "OMG Kali YOUR SUCH A NOOB" and after he caused her to ragequit he was silent for a long time, and then he started complaining again, and then he stopped.

3 minutes after our Kali ragequitted, their Ymir ragequitted. such a nice guy, i applaud him. so it was fair, and it was a 4v4.

me and Kumbhakarna completely dominated the enemy Rama and Ymir, while Amaterasu was in a kind of a meh situation against the Apollo, but she managed to deal with him nicely. we won after we forced a fight at the fire giant, and then charged at their titan. the ending was action packed and super fun!

final score: 20/10/7.

Game Details 1,
Game Details 2.

A Bang With The Gang (Third Game/Last Game)

so me, GGF, Prism, Taco (TakeYoPantsOff) (Not from SMF) and ferrum grouped up for a game, and boy, was the result good.

We faced an almost full premade (Only The Athena was solo queuing) And we DESTROYED them, Me and Taco on the doulane (He Was Ymir) completely demolished the enemy Neith and Athena, Prism showing off his beautiful Aphrodite gameplay against a Ravana and destroying him, GGF showing his abilities with Ratatoskr, going ham on their entire team and Ferrum showing off his Zeus skills against a Nox and doing amazingly against her!

they were so behind us, that me and Prism ended up fighting the enemy team 2v4 and we got them to run, i even got a doubleshot kill with Ymir's wall and my Ricochet!

final score: 12/3/14. Yep, we definitely had fun!

Game details 1,Game details 2.

This concludes the the first of many adc blogs, i will try to make them as soon as im done with the mastery.

Also, Vote on which adc should i get to diamond next!

Also, Don't forget, I will make a guide after each adc i leveled to diamond, good luck in your smite adventures and [VVGF]Have Fun!