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Smite Item: Toxic Blade

Smite Item Toxic Blade

Item Details

Toxic Blade


Cost: 1050 (2300)

This item has been removed from the game.

+100 Health
+15 Penetration
+15% Attack Speed
+7% Movement Speed

PASSIVE - Enemies hit by your basic attacks have 20% reduced Healing and 7% reduced Attack Speed while you gain 7% increased Attack Speed, stacking up to 3 times and lasting 5s.

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xZeroStrike (46) | February 2, 2021 1:11pm
Says it stacks up to 6 times lasting for 8s. This would be 105% anti-heal. A little much, I thought, so I checked it:

This should read stacking up to 2 times and lasting 6s.
Branmuffin17 (401) | February 2, 2021 3:19pm
Typo, oops. Fixed.
boogiebass (46) | November 4, 2017 1:12pm
i think they should add some poweer to this and increase the cost.
boogiebass (46) | November 4, 2017 6:30pm
Thanks for all of your replies! I did not know this item was supposed to function as pure utility, the way xZeroStrike mentioned.
xZeroStrike (46) | November 4, 2017 1:26pm
Nah. This item is clearly meant to be purely utility, and that's exactly what it is. No extra power needed.
DV-8 (35) | November 4, 2017 1:18pm
It gives a lot of other stats. I'm not too sure about adding Power to the list as well.

If anything, I would say it needs more Health.
Duotem (10) | November 4, 2017 5:52pm
I'd rather them reduce the cost and either remove the health. This wants to be the hunter anti heal item but youre paying for stats you dont really need
Gulfwulf (81) | October 3, 2017 2:37pm
Is this a melee only item? I've tried this on a few hunters, but I'm not seeing the anti-heal affect I see when I use other anti-heal items like Divine Ruin and Brawler's Beat Stick. Thanks.
Branmuffin17 (401) | October 3, 2017 4:37pm
This item is not melee only, which is indicated by your own ability to pick it up on hunters. In only one case that I can think of, the application of any effects are made equally, no matter if the attack is ranged or melee ( Frostbound Hammer got a slight nerf for Hunters in a recent patch).

Not sure why you're not noticing the effect...note though that the passive anti-heal is only applied on basic attacks, NOT on abilities like Divine / Brawler's does.
Gulfwulf (81) | October 3, 2017 5:18pm
I know how it's supposed to be processed, Bran, but I'm not seeing the affect, which is why I asked.
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