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Use the hand of the gods on the first or second void buff clear.
Last item is pretty flexible, you can go some kind of CCR, more prots, or even like spear of magus if you think it will be valuable.
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Overall I'm fine w/ your build. However, the situationals feel a bit wonky, if we're taking your replacement suggestions.
IMO Bacchus wants good CDR, hence your main build is okay (though I'd personally get Pridwen before considering Witchblade in almost all cases). But if the enemy has healing, you're saying to replace Prid w/ Pestilence, and that just sounds weird to me. IMO if anti-heal is needed, I'd be more likely to replace Shogun's w/ Pest, and then get Prid immediately after just so you can get some CDR.
As for the Shogun's comment, you say if the enemy has lots of CC get Mystical instead of Shogun's. If that's the only substitution, that potentially has you getting 3 physical protection items in a row (Sov, Mystical, Witch). I don't think that's a good suggestion. If they have lots of CC, I'd probably be looking at a bit more CC reduction like from Ethereal Staff, Spirit Robe or Oni Hunter's Garb instead of Shogun's or purchased late, etc.
In your writeup, you admit you're likely the one to aggress first. With that in mind, I don't know that Sentinel's Gift / Sentinel's Embrace is set in stone. I think War Flag or Benevolence are also options. Not saying Sent is bad, mind.
For your start, I strongly recommend against starting Damage buff w/ the ADC and Mid. You want to start on the Void and either get all 3 minions low for the ADC to get more XP to reach level 2 more quickly, or just save the last one at low health so your ADC can touch once and then you can get to lane more quickly. Otherwise, you start off on your heels and automatically lose any lane pressure you might have been able to gain (though Bacchus isn't the strongest early lane Support to push anyway).
Adjusted, my preferred build based on yours would be:
Option to switch positions of Prid and the magical D item as needed / preferred.