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Support Hel Build [NOVEMBER]

1 3 8,673
by jackbbya123 updated November 10, 2020

Smite God: Hel

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Hel Build


Notes ESSENTIAL: Take every time. You will SELL your Guardian's Blessing.


ESSENTIAL: Take every time. You will SELL your Guardian's Blessing.

Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Chalice of Mana Chalice of Mana
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell

Standard Damage Build for Magical Enemies

Notes Standard damage build. Take genjis if they have magical lane / magical heavy team.


Standard damage build. Take genjis if they have magical lane / magical heavy team.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle

Standard Damage Build for Physical Enemies

Notes Standard damage build if they have more physical and you feel like you want the movement speed to chase. If burst, see next option!


Standard damage build if they have more physical and you feel like you want the movement speed to chase. If burst, see next option!

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle

Standard Tank Build

Notes Tank build option. This is very tanky and you will go this if they have high damage on their team. Gods to build well for this can include Tsuykomi, Bakasura, Kali, Anubis, Posideon, Anhur, Ao Koang, Skadi.


Tank build option. This is very tanky and you will go this if they have high damage on their team. Gods to build well for this can include Tsuykomi, Bakasura, Kali, Anubis, Posideon, Anhur, Ao Koang, Skadi.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle

Last Item / Item's after you buy Boots Potion

Notes Sell Guardian's Blessing.
Last item depends on factors:
Divine Ruin Go this if the enemies have lots of lifesteal. This includes Asi, Bancroft's Talon, Bloodfoge, Soul Eater, Polynomicon, Ringe of Hecate. Or, against Lifesteal gods like Anubis or Hel.
Soul Reaver Go this item if they have many tanks with HIGH HP. Check their HP in tab.
Rod of Tahuti Go this if 4/5 of their team are squishy and you want to burst!
Obsidian Shard Go this if your penetration is NOT CUTTING IT! GOOD PEN ITEM!!!
Soul Gem Go soul gem if you want the extra 10% when selling your Shoes of Focus and buying the Shoes Potion. This way you stay at cap. Read note below for more clarity.

NOTE: When you buy your boots potion and sell Shoes of Focus, you will LOSE 10% cooldown. Find another cooldown item if you want 40% cap.


Sell Guardian's Blessing.
Last item depends on factors:
Divine Ruin Go this if the enemies have lots of lifesteal. This includes Asi, Bancroft's Talon, Bloodfoge, Soul Eater, Polynomicon, Ringe of Hecate. Or, against Lifesteal gods like Anubis or Hel.
Soul Reaver Go this item if they have many tanks with HIGH HP. Check their HP in tab.
Rod of Tahuti Go this if 4/5 of their team are squishy and you want to burst!
Obsidian Shard Go this if your penetration is NOT CUTTING IT! GOOD PEN ITEM!!!
Soul Gem Go soul gem if you want the extra 10% when selling your Shoes of Focus and buying the Shoes Potion. This way you stay at cap. Read note below for more clarity.

NOTE: When you buy your boots potion and sell Shoes of Focus, you will LOSE 10% cooldown. Find another cooldown item if you want 40% cap.

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem



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Gulfwulf (81) | November 12, 2020 12:18pm
Is Thebes a good pickup instead of, say, chronos pendant? I really like Thebes and the protections should stack with Lotus.
Kriega1 (143) | November 12, 2020 1:48pm
Genetics sometimes plays Hel support in ranked on his stream, you could ask what he builds on Hel. Or check his stream vods.
Branmuffin17 (401) | November 12, 2020 2:11pm
So from your post about Genetics' Supp build spreadsheet, he has Hel built like this:

Shoes of Focus (alt Reinforced Shoes), Lotus Crown, Oni Hunter's Garb, Mantle of Discord, Lono's Mask, Ethereal Staff, Soul Reaver.

I find Lono's a slightly curious option but the mitigation it brings is obvious.

Lotus and Lono's are identified as her core items.

Shell, Heavenly, Frenzy, Aegis are the suggested relics, in that order of importance.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | November 12, 2020 1:34pm
IMO Thebes is better for front-line supports or later for front-line solos. Basically it expects you're going to take a lot of damage.

For Hel, while it can work since she's in the Supp role, she's not a front-liner. She has no major CC. So for me, I'd be getting items that can allow her to take more damage, but also provide utility, whether it's healing utility, CDR, etc. Lotus Crown, Shogun's Kusari, Relic Dagger, Mantle of Discord, Shield of Regrowth, etc.

I 100% wouldn't get Chronos, although the high CDR does provide utility. I'd get BoV over it for the same CDR amount. Of course, best course would be not to play Hel in Supp right now.

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Branmuffin17 (401) | November 12, 2020 9:51am
Yeah this comment isn't necessary or helpful. If you have suggestions, you should provide them with explanations.
omarxz11 | December 8, 2020 11:28pm
im pretty sure his point why you have soul reaver on tank , say for example instead of cronos pendant can help you heal more
Kriega1 (143) | November 12, 2020 9:29am
Take a look at your own builds before criticising others

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League of Legends Build Guide Author jackbbya123
Support Hel Build [NOVEMBER]
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