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Mercury Builds & Guides

Roman Assassin Melee Physical
Find the best Mercury build guides for SMITE Patch 12.1. You will find builds for arena, joust, and conquest. However you choose to play Mercury, The SMITEFire community will help you craft the best build for the SMITE S12 meta and your chosen game mode. Learn Mercury's skills, stats and more.
Top Rated Guides Newest Guides

Smite 1: Year 8 Guides & Builds

Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Merc arena/conq
by Fearmypewpew | Updated November 20, 2021
27 Votes 2
 Build Guide
Mercury Jungle Crit Build
by Skaamoss | Updated November 11, 2021
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Mercury crits jungle
by wiismax | Updated November 13, 2021
35 Votes 2
 Build Guide
Mercury 8.7 Builds (Jungle)
by Pwuntahs | Updated August 10, 2021
18 Votes 9
 Build Guide
S8.6 big gankers
by bukkakepro | Updated June 26, 2021
8 Votes 2
 Build Guide
by DaniloInLive | Updated April 4, 2021
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
My personal Build (Feedback appreciated)
by RaccoonZX | Updated April 5, 2021
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Mercury God Build
by MercuryHere | Updated April 4, 2021
26 Votes 10
 Build Guide
S8 NEW-Mercury jung- Massive Crits
by fraser424 | Updated January 30, 2021
90 Votes 13
 Build Guide
Mercury one shot entire game
by My builds fire | Updated February 19, 2021

Smite 1: Year 7 Guides & Builds

11 Votes 6
 Build Guide
The New (Old) Loki - Masters PvE Mercury Guide
by DiscoFerry | Updated November 19, 2020
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Mercury jungle
by ProfMoon | Updated November 19, 2020
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Mercury - No Crit Build - Conquest Jungle
by Moreton22 | Updated December 6, 2020
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Jungle Build for mercury
by Fadon xD | Updated November 12, 2020
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
by Lucciferm | Updated October 20, 2020
1 Votes 8
 Build Guide
Speed demon
by Goku8784 | Updated October 1, 2020
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Mercury Speed Demon
by Grover_vs_Groot | Updated September 3, 2020
5 Votes 4
 Build Guide
[7.5] A Guide to Mercury
by Soululu | Updated May 23, 2020
Guide In-Depth
56 Votes 6
 Build Guide
delete/one shot madafaka
by Jantxonimorcilla | Updated April 27, 2020
Rating Pending
 Build Guide
Mercury on Crack Conquest Build
by WaifuSuu | Updated April 28, 2020
Favor: 5500 Gems: 200

Mercury Statistics

400 (+75) Health
200 (+40) Mana
381 (+0) Speed
1/.75/1.25x damage and swing time Progression
12 (+0) Range
1 (+2) Attack / Sec
38 (+ 2.13) + 100% of Physical Power Damage

Mercury Skills

Mercury Skill Fastest God Alive

Fastest God AlivePassive

Ability Type: Buff

For every 1 unit traveled, Mercury gains a 0.04% Physical Power bonus on his next Basic Attack (max 20%).

Mercury also gains additional Physical Power equal to 25% of movement speed from items, abilities, and the passive movement speed gained from levels 1 to 7.
Mercury Skill Made You Look

Made You Look

1 X
Mercury moves in the blink of an eye, dealing one melee attack to every enemy within the target area. This ability can Critically Hit, and triggers Ability related Item effects, not Basic Attack related Item effects.

Ability Type: Ground Target
Damage: 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+60% of your Basic Attack Power)
Radius: 7.5 / 9 / 10.5 / 12 / 13.5
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 9s
Mercury Skill Maximum Velocity

Maximum Velocity

2 A
Mercury passively gains movement speed. When this ability is activated, Mercury increases his attack speed and is immune to slows for the duration.

Ability Type: Buff
Movement Speed: 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10%
Attack Speed: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%
Duration: 5s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Mercury Skill Special Delivery

Special Delivery

3 B
Mercury dashes forward, knocking aside minions, grabbing the first enemy god he encounters and spinning them. The enemy god takes damage until the effect ends, and Mercury throws the god in the direction of his choice.

Ability Type: Dash
Minion Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Damage per Tick: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (+20% of your Physical Power) every 0.25s
Damage (Total): 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 (+64% of your Physical Power)
Duration: 1s
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15s
Mercury Skill Sonic Boom

Sonic Boom

4 Y
Mercury gathers energy for a powerful dash, with the range extending as he does so. He travels the distance faster than the speed of sound, dealing damage to all enemies, stunning them and spinning them around in a random direction.

Ability Type: Dash
Damage: 200 / 275 / 350 / 425 / 500 (100% of your Physical Power)
Disorient Duration: 1.5s
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 90s

Mercury Lore

Mercurial. A word that evokes volatility, quickness, and cunning. But to compare anything to the speed and wit of the Messenger God Mercury would be to compare a hot day to the searing forge of Vulcan, or a blooming rose to the glory of Venus. It is but a pale comparison. Mercury can leap the space between lightning and thunder, outfox the fox king, and reach tomorrow before the sun.

As an infant, Mercury escaped the watchful eye of his half-brother, Apollo, stole his cattle, fashioned a lyre from a tortoise shell, and snuck in a nap, all before Apollo found him missing. His father, Jupiter, found the child’s mischief boisterously entertaining, and awarded him the task of delivering messages for the Gods, traveling between the Heavens, the Earth, and even to the depths of the Underworld.

Now war looms and Mercury races to keep the lines of communication open, though he is often caught in the thick of battle. No stranger to combat, he once slew the monster Argus, the demon with one hundred watchful eyes, using speed and guile alone. But this war is different. The foes are stronger, the stakes higher, and Mercury a pivotal cog in the machine. Should he fail to deliver even a single order the balance could tip, and the time left for this world would be truly mercurial.

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