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Smite freezes on launch

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Forum » Support » Smite freezes on launch 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by nebulaz » February 13, 2019 12:01am | Report

when I launch SMITE (Steam, Win10), it takes approximately 3-4 seconds from when I see the HIREZ logo until the game freezes. I am able to click through the logos fast to loading screen for those 3-4 seconds, then it freezes anyway. I can use alt-tab, but selecting some other program won´t switch to it - I will be stuck on SMITE loading screen (or HIREZ logo, if I don´t click through) until I do ctrl-alt-del and log-out. When I click log-out, I briefly see error message "Game violation detected! #00000001".

I tried:
- verifying game files,
- reinstalling,
- launching 32bit / 64bit versions,
- adding exclusion to antivirus protection,
- turning off antivirus protection during launch,
- turning off firewall during launch,
- plugging out keyboard (Corsair K70),
- plugging out sound devices (headphones and stereo, sometimes game kicked me out when I plugged in/out sound device during game).

Can you guide me towards solution, please?


Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 13, 2019 12:13am | Report did pretty much everything I would have thought, that's rough, and I have no clue.

Just to check, when you reinstalled, did you wipe all files? Like, go into the folders and delete anything that might have been left over?

Also, not that this is likely it, but do you use something like CCleaner and clean up registry conflicts and other stuff?

And finally...was it working sometime in the past? When did this start happening?

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by nebulaz » February 13, 2019 1:45am | Report
Hi, thank you for help. I didn´t manually check whether everything is gone, so I did now.

- I uninstalled SMITE from Steam again
- I looked through CC cleaner, there was some HIREZ authentificator still installed, I uninstalled
- I fixed some registry issues with CC cleaner
- I searched for keywords smite and hirez / hi-rez through windows search, nothing
- I searched for keywords smite and hirez / hi-rez in regedit. It found some stuff, I just deleted it (I don´t know what I am doing, though, I created backup in case).
- I rebooted
- I reinstalled game through Steam
- I rebooted, disabled antivirus and firewall
- I launched 64-bit version - overlay game loader in Windows loaded, game itself didn´t start and I got a Crash dialog (I pasted link to this thread)
- I tried to start again, game launched, freezed as usual -> log out, log in
- I verified game files
- rebooted
- launched 64-bit, kb and mouse connected, I tried plugging them in different USB sockets. Still the usual. If I click through logos, I am able to see "login - waiting on game data" spinner, then it freezes.

It did occur a few times in the past month, that the game froze on HIREZ logo. I didn´t see a consistent pattern. Since game kicked me out sometimes if I plugged in / out some audio device, I just tried to restart the game and not plug in/out anything while booting game. On 2nd or 3rd time I was in. I have been dealing with some stereo buzzing lately - bought PCIE sound card few months ago, tried external sound card etc., but the game did work after I tried those.

Last time when I launched game successfully was I think on Monday during maintenance - it launched and I saw the notice that servers are down bc of maintenance. According to overlay launcher my game version is 6.1.5286.8.

//I found the hi-rez ticket submit form, I will try that.
//I uninstalled and I am now trying manual download from, not through Steam. Response from hirez customer support is that "several players are experiencing routing issues, please attempt to connect with a VPN like TunnelBear or Windscribe."


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by nebulaz » February 13, 2019 8:04am | Report
Update: customer support knows the issue "several players are experiencing routing issues, please attempt to connect with a VPN like TunnelBear or Windscribe." Routing through USA with TunnelBear worked for me (didn´t work through Norway or Ireland).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » February 13, 2019 9:59am | Report
Wow that's super interesting, and glad to hear it's finally working for you, even though you did a lot of extra work!

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by nebulaz » February 13, 2019 10:23am | Report
Thanks for your help :).

Btw, Sweden works for me now.


Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » February 13, 2019 1:28pm | Report
Yeah the Smite Launcher is having issues launching in the MAC version of the game + EU/OC/Asia from what I've heard. Only North and Latin America are completely working rn.
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by nebulaz » February 17, 2019 1:42am | Report
Seems to be fixed now. No freezing.


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