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Why it's put me with noobs on the team?

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Forum » New Player Help » Why it's put me with noobs on the team? 21 posts - page 3 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » February 26, 2018 4:06pm | Report
Nice and informative video. Also sry for goimg full necro on this :p

But when it comes to blaming losses on "bad teammates" I got no sympathy.
It is never just your teams fault that you lose. Some of the reason you are losing is always on you as well.

So many ppl lose a game and all the do in the lobby after the game is trying to blame the loss on everyone but theselves. Take this game for example:

Rat was like 10-0 after 10 minutes and my team was spamming f6 for no reason because if they had payed any attention at all to the game and the map instead of flaming our Chronos jungle (yes he was really bad). They would not have given him free kills all over the map and they would actually have noticed that he in fact bad. All he did was play a lead and any player can do well when they are ahead.

Realizing stuff like that and not spamming f6 in a situation like this is kindof off topic though, but is in the same ballpark. And it is an important skill to have if you want to be an f7 warrior at least..

So when we started grouping up and the rat ulted in on us time ater time after time and all I had to do was ult and root him every fight suddenly we won super easily. Chronos pushed towers like a boss, Art watched the map and didnt get cought out and started taking names and carried us to the W (she also had a sick en call).

And giess who complained about their team? You guessed it the Rat who literally threw the game byulting fights to early and ulting targets that where right next to me.
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

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