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New Pantheon Idea - America

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Forum » God & Item Ideas » New Pantheon Idea - America 9 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 10, 2016 10:33am | Report
Let's get this out of the way first. Yes, I'm an idiot. That said, here we go, without specific details, because there's no way I'm putting too much thought into it =P

God: JC (The American way) (hope I'm not going to Hell for this one)
  • Ability: Passive (Forgiveness) - other teammates can auto-lock, flame teammates, go in 1v3, get demolished and blame everyone else. JC will forgive you, giving you permanent buffs when you respawn.
  • Ability: Smite - follows His Father's Baptist ways by becoming wrathful and damaging all heathens on the map (no matter where they are) at the same time.
  • Ult (ideas): - Part the Smite Map - open a direct pathway to the enemy Titan. Noah's Ark (v 2.0) - Asks Daddy to raise the seas, drowning all enemies...2 of each minion type will be saved. Resurrect - upon dying, after 3 days, alters the Hi-Rez database, changing any losses into wins and shows your stats as 20 kills 0 deaths 20 assists.

God: Trump
  • Ability: Passive - Fafnir has nothing on him. Start the game rich. Lose it all (go ahead and spend it on items), then automatically get it back.
  • Ability: Comb-Over - I dunno, something with that hair. Maybe he has a minion hidden under it. Perhaps it jumps off his head and attacks your target.
  • Ability: Political Correctness - When activated, he actually says something decent about people of other races. Your target is stunned for 20 seconds.
  • Ability: Capitalism - For 10 seconds, he gains extra gold, while all others (excluding Fafnir if present) lose gold.
  • Ult: Make America Great Again - All American players get guns and can use them on their enemies. This can happen on both teams.

God: The Rock
  • Ability: Scorpion Blood - Coats his weapon in scorpion blood. Upon melee contact, enemy is poisoned.
  • Ability: Fast & Furious - He and all teammates jump into cars. Move speed blows past the cap. (yes I know he wasn't on the "good" team)
  • Ult : The People's Elbow - As it sounds, he gives it. You take it. If he kills you, a RNG roll determines if he pins you for 3 seconds. If pinned, the enemy god is out of the game unless they can find a folding chair, allowing them back in behind the scenes. However, even if their team wins, they lose.

Yes, this is stupid and horrible. It is meant as a joke, and is not designed or intended to offend anyone. Hope you enjoyed!

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FerrumSlash » July 10, 2016 11:45am | Report
God: Michael Bay

Passive: High Budgets - Michael Bay starts with a whopping amount of gold, but instead of consuming mana, his abilities consume gold instead. Oh, and instead of the usual music theme, you get to listen to Linkin Park instead.

Ability: EXPLOSIONS! - Michael Bay creates explosions all around the map, damaging everything damageable that is caught in it.

Ability: Steadycam® - Bay summons a 360 Steadycam® on enemy gods, spinning around them and disorienting them until it's time for sunset.

Ability: Sunset - Bay somehow makes it sunset all around the world; This ability gives a hefty penalty to Ra, Sol, Apollo, Amaterasu, Hou Yi, and Khepri's stats. This ability also cleanses enemies affected with Steadycam®.

Ultimate: America Saves The Day! - Michael Bay cuts a deal with the American armed forces, giving him access to cutting-edge military technology. This also provides an increase to Bay's amount of gold as well.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BurnMojo231 » July 10, 2016 12:53pm | Report
Can I make a kit for Jesus again. If not disregard this.

American Jesus
passive: Prosperity Gospel - Jesus helps those who help themselves, when you steal a kill you get 100 bonus gold.

Ability: Cross smash - Jesus attacks enemies in front of him with a burning cross.

Ability: American exceptionalism - Jesus buffs his ally's attack speed and increases his power.

Ability: Cristian might - Jesus leaps forward smashing heretics when he lands.

Ultimate: One nation under God - Jesus damages the enemy gods, converts the enemy minions and buffing their defense, offense, health and speed

Normal Politician any name you want most will apply
passive: Super PAC - every 3 min you can take 20 gold form a team member and they gain 60 gold in return for their donation.

Ability: Smear - politician flings mud slowing and blinding an enemy god applying small dot.

Ability: Special Interest - applies ether an attack speed buff or a movement speed buff to ally gods.

Ability: political expedience - fires a bill that damages enemy gods.

Ultimate: Lip service - You and an enemy god switch places the enemy cannot move or attack and you can attack enemy gods pretending to be their ally switch back after 10s the enemy god keeps damage sustained while switched.

This is meant as a joke, just me and my messed up sense of humor not meant to offend.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by iReauxbot » July 11, 2016 6:55am | Report
Hmm. I see some serious needs for the Rock.
Someone do The Clintons. It could a stance switch on some Zelda type ability


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by infamousj012 » July 26, 2016 11:01am | Report
Morgan Freeman

ability one : narration - similar to [kumbhakarna], however Morgan will begin narrating a movie in monotone which puts all enemies to sleep

ability two : gods curse - Morgan can target one enemy God and take all of their mana, and temporary (3 second) trading of abilities of said God

ability three : calander flipping - focus your energy by transferring your mana to your health bar

ultimate : immortal - for six sexonds, Morgan gains 2 second cool downs and 1.5x his starting health

passive - every five minions killed provides Morgan with another freckle, each freckle adds 10 physical&magical for teamates within 50 units

ability 2 is in homage to Bruce Almighty and how he gave Bruce his powers, ability 3 is in homage to him finishing his calanders and being released from shawshank
my name is infamousj012, and I'm a smite-a-holic


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by infamousj012 » July 26, 2016 11:17am | Report
...they really should do this, and just do the Book of Mormon's God, the Virgin Mary for Catholicism, then make all of the different ideologies of Jesus.. Baptist, Presbyterian, Latterday Saints (i don't know, I live in the bible belt, and hear it all the time.. anyways, tabernacle, etc. etc.

and have a ban on all other Jesus' on a team once one is chosen... i don't know lol
my name is infamousj012, and I'm a smite-a-holic


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 26, 2016 11:17am | Report
The passive made me LOL! Great choice of God.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by infamousj012 » July 26, 2016 11:18am | Report
..if it isn't obvious I'm not a paritioner at any of these fine establishments
my name is infamousj012, and I'm a smite-a-holic


Posts: 9
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » June 2, 2017 10:32am | Report


Well, looks like he's a hunter. Basically like Anhur or something, except less cool. (See original post)

At the time I originally posted this, it was basically a running joke that he'd have any chance at the presidency. Joke's on us.

Anyone know where the nearest coal mine is?

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Mythical (401)
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