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Thoughts on Possible Cross-Platform Play?

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Forum » General Discussion » Thoughts on Possible Cross-Platform Play? 11 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DiabolicNutria » October 17, 2018 11:11am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Kriega plays on PS4 mostly, I believe.

Ah okay, guess I was wrong about which console.

Mouse and keyboard option for PS4 would be pretty cool but I'm not holding my breath or anything.

Branmuffin17 wrote:

I can guarantee that I can hit my skill-shots WAAAAAY better on PC than console. I'm absolutely horrid with a controller in my hand. I can't imagine playing on PS4 with a Dualshock against PC players.

Yeah that's me too, I'm complete garbage especially now that I haven't played PS4 in awhile.

You mentioned the difference in Xbox playerbase vs PS4 which has me hoping that the problem of playing with people who rage quit or people who simply don't know how to play will be lessened. You say Xbox is a more competitive player base and from what I can tell PC is as well compared to PS4 so hopefully that means more "normal" players in matches opposed to the rage quitters and full blown beginners. Bottom line I guess is that cross-platform has me a little more optimistic about the matchmaking because sometimes the matchmaking the way it is now can be a little wonky.


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