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Things that I would like to see changed

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Forum » General Discussion » Things that I would like to see changed 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by icy133 » January 7, 2014 3:06pm | Report
Ok, first off here are the gods I would Like to see messed with

Zeus: Do not think he is too op, just needs a debuff on his basic attack speed progression, and/or something that will make him built as a mage, like for his passive Overcharge, instead of it having to do with basic attacks dealing more damage to people with charges, it could have that effect with damaging abilities.

Hades: This god either needs to be made into a good bruiser with a damage buff, or some sort of added protections as a better tank, like more protections in his Pillar of Agony, or added defenses in other abilities.

Vulcan: Change his passive, His play style should not force him to be in the fight. Maybe have it slow on his next used ability in stead of basic attack.

Sobek: Personally, I miss the old Sobek, without the Charge Prey interruption from minions, the Tail Whipwhich was a lot better and actually knocked people far and was a viable. If they added a better Tail Whip, I would be happy. Another thing they could do, is rework Blessing of the Nile and make it armor like last time which did a lot better job as a Defence.

Chaac: Radius of Thunder Strike needs to be increased. Just kidding no it needs to be REDUCED or take out that stupid timing of that burst, and how it would hit a god even if they were out of the radius.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » January 7, 2014 3:42pm | Report
Zeus needs to be forced into a more mage-y role. Make him scale better but have lower base damage, so he is forced into building more Magic Power instead of just building CDR and attack speed and spamming out the stuns.

Hades needs more than protection buffs on his ult. His ult already gives a solid 80 each, that's not the problem. He needs a little better protection/level, and his heal needs to be bigger. That's it, imo. MAYBE, MAYBE a faster 1 channel, but it'll just make his escape better and he'll still buy combat blink imo.

Vulcan's passive gives him too weird synergy that seems forced. I don't like the new mage.

Sobek literally needs no buffs. He's currently the best tank in the game, despite my preference to Athena, and with his kit, always will be. If his charge prey wasn't able to be minion blocked, ADC's like Artemis, AMC, and Xbal will never be seen because they will simply be zoned out by him 100% of the time. Sobek is already the best disruption tank atm - the only one with two, basic CCs. Athena has a taunt, ymir a stun, bacchus a stun, hades a fear (or silence), and ares a cripple. No one has two, which includes a disruption (you can't cleanse knockups) and a fling. He's fine and do not touch him unless he's getting nerfed.

Chaac just needs less healing on his rain, and lower base damages all around. It's currently way too possible to either go full tank and two shot people, or full assassin and one shot people. Dodging Thunder Strike should be much more forgiving.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by alphacar » January 7, 2014 3:44pm | Report
icy133 wrote:

Ok, first off here are the gods I would Like to see messed with

Hades: This god either needs to be made into a good bruiser with a damage buff, or some sort of added protections as a better tank, like more protections in his Pillar of Agony, or added defenses in other abilities.

I would like to see Shroud of Darkness apply a 2sec fear rather than a silence. When a god is blighted than they should stay at one spot(kind of a stun)for the same amount of time if they where feared.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 7, 2014 4:09pm | Report
They just increased his Rain Dance's cooldown...

Anyway, I think Artemis needs to become a little less specialized. Anhur is number one hunter right now, because his damage is almost as good as art's, but he has a hell of a lot more utility and burst damage. Not to mention he can clear a wave with no help, and Art's mana costs were increased.

Make her a little less superfocused into autos. Give her something over the other carries other than DPS. Look at the list of stuff unique to each carry:

Anhur: Self-buff, hard CC, burst, damage. Has a leap, great waveclear.

Apollo: Mobility, self-buff, global ultimate, dash, good waveclear.

Ah Muzen Cab: Mobility, self-buff, sustain and somewhat casty, spammy ult, great waveclear.

Xbalanque: Self-buff, dash, global ultimate, burst, snowball passive, mediocre waveclear.

Neith: Global ultimate, leap, sustain and burst, casty, longest escape in game, great waveclear.

Artemis: Damage, wards, self-buff. Mediocre waveclear.

One of these is not like the other.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by arka222 » January 8, 2014 1:25am | Report
- Agree very much with sobek passive..its useless..protections shld progressively increase from 5 to like 50 on basic attacks.
- have got 560wins with vulc!..seen all his paaive again makes no sense..he shld be given some aura as passive so tat it enables him to come close range to fight.
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