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The New Jungle.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » July 13, 2013 4:32pm | Report
Hello, guys. The newest patch( that includes Chronos), has the new jungle mechanic: the player can hold only one buff per time. That had a HUGE effect on the Jungling Gameplay, in my opinion.

The problem wasn't the fact that the jungler can have a bunch of buffs( at least, I think it wasn't), actually, the jungler was doing his job, getting all those buffs. Although that doesn't mean I hate the ''jungle dropping'', I actually liked it, encourages the interaction between jungler and team.
That nerf on the jungle was so strong, that it's quite rare to find a jungler. And if there is one, he goes quite bad and does not dominate as much as the old jungler and the jungler from other MOBAs.

So, what I mean with all this? The jungle changes was unnecessary IMO, it was FINE before that. What are your thoughts about the new jungle?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » July 13, 2013 4:53pm | Report
I haven't tried it out yet, but the it basically works as I was used to play with a jungler on the team. Here is how we used to pay it.

With Gold Furry at right lane

Start at red (give that to the midlane), go to speed (which has been started by sololane and jungler takes speed), go to blue (give that to solo lane), jungler goes to top-left gold (if it is there), bottom left gold, bottom right gold and then go for cdr (and usually give that to right lane unless speeds buff has gone out).

With gold at left lane

Start at red (give that to solo), left and mid starts speed (jungler takes it), mid gets blue, then check all the gold-champs and then cdr.

That way you always had good control over Gold Fury and your mid and sololane would have a walk in the park.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » July 13, 2013 6:38pm | Report
I'm thinking if everyone jungling :P (I thought bumba give everyone normal gold and so)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » July 13, 2013 7:11pm | Report
All this change did is encourage dual-jungling, since having an extra jungler means an extra god who can pick up those buffs.

Of course, this change could've been avoided completely if HiRez found a better way to implement jungling other than Bumba's Mask.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » July 13, 2013 11:06pm | Report
Sunfall wrote:

All this change did is encourage dual-jungling, since having an extra jungler means an extra god who can pick up those buffs.

Of course, this change could've been avoided completely if HiRez found a better way to implement jungling other than Bumba's Mask.

I actually didn't see a problem in the existence of Bumba's Mask. I liked the idea, and it did it's job too. Sort of like Hunter's Machete in League of Legends, except it doesn't have the ability to be upgraded, which I think would've made this an awesome item and making mages viable to jungle as well (Inb4 Fiddlesticks strikes?). The one buff only patch though, I just hate it, terrible idea. I'm actually even going to go as far as taking 1-2 weeks off from Smite because of this, started yesterday. I will still keep myself updated and be active on Smitefire though. :p


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » July 14, 2013 1:01am | Report
the recent patch hasn't changed enough to make both the 1-1-2-1 meta and the 2-1-2 meta playeble without one still losing more often manly because the jungler still snowballs and still gets more gold then the mid and because the laning fase just doesn't go on long enough for the 2-1-2 to grab enough the only way a 2-1-2 can win is if the enemy has a feeder or the enemy just makes a large amount of mistakes other whise the jungler wins and the team of the jungler.

the patch has only made double roam more viable instead of nerfing the jungler.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » July 14, 2013 4:48am | Report
Thanks for the replies, everyone.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » July 15, 2013 4:25pm | Report
Piederman wrote:

I actually didn't see a problem in the existence of Bumba's Mask. I liked the idea, and it did it's job too. Sort of like Hunter's Machete in League of Legends, except it doesn't have the ability to be upgraded, which I think would've made this an awesome item and making mages viable to jungle as well (Inb4 Fiddlesticks strikes?). The one buff only patch though, I just hate it, terrible idea. I'm actually even going to go as far as taking 1-2 weeks off from Smite because of this, started yesterday. I will still keep myself updated and be active on Smitefire though. :p

Hunter's Machete in LoL is simply an aid for jungling that helps with clearing speeds. It dodn't do anything beyond that, and it's introduction didn't suddenly open up jungling to a lot of champions, which is the problem with Bumba's in SMITE. Gods whose kits+stats were never designed for jungling in the first place are suddenly able to clear camps with ridiculous efficiency.

There is no reason why mages like He Bo should be able to jungle, but he can do it thanks to Bumba's, and it's really stupid. Same thing with Apollo and Freya, they're carries, and they shouldn't be able to get super fed like this so easily... but the mask enables them to do so.

The ability to jungle should be designed only through kits, not an item. Arachne, Kali, and Bakasura were originally designed to be able to jungle without something like Bumba's (they have built-in self-heals when they fight their enemies), and they all give up something in exchange for that ability. The problem is that Bumba's allows other gods to do everything they used to be able to, on other gods who don't have to give up anything in their kits, which results in making the old junglers completely useless. Tell me, what can a Bakasura jungler do that a Thor or Hun Batz with Bumba's doesn't already do better? Nothing, that's what!

Bumba's Mask really shouldn't exist. It has broken Conquest in so many ways that you can't even begin to comprehend.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » July 15, 2013 6:31pm | Report
Sunfall wrote:

Hunter's Machete in LoL is simply an aid for jungling that helps with clearing speeds. It dodn't do anything beyond that, and it's introduction didn't suddenly open up jungling to a lot of champions, which is the problem with Bumba's in SMITE. Gods whose kits+stats were never designed for jungling in the first place are suddenly able to clear camps with ridiculous efficiency.

There is no reason why mages like He Bo should be able to jungle, but he can do it thanks to Bumba's, and it's really stupid. Same thing with Apollo and Freya, they're carries, and they shouldn't be able to get super fed like this so easily... but the mask enables them to do so.

The ability to jungle should be designed only through kits, not an item. Arachne, Kali, and Bakasura were originally designed to be able to jungle without something like Bumba's (they have built-in self-heals when they fight their enemies), and they all give up something in exchange for that ability. The problem is that Bumba's allows other gods to do everything they used to be able to, on other gods who don't have to give up anything in their kits, which results in making the old junglers completely useless. Tell me, what can a Bakasura jungler do that a Thor or Hun Batz with Bumba's doesn't already do better? Nothing, that's what!

Bumba's Mask really shouldn't exist. It has broken Conquest in so many ways that you can't even begin to comprehend.

^^This. Most bestestestest way to explain it ever.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » July 15, 2013 11:43pm | Report
I like it. While in reality it should be promoting dual-jungling, it seems that people are actually jungling less now. I hated the fact that Hi-Rez was promoting jungling, so the 'nerf' that made less people want to do it because they feel less powerful is a welcome change for me.
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