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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » August 5, 2013 7:10am | Report
All4Games wrote:

It is just not the same. I mean pus ymir washen't even used in ranked but was
Just fun to play and enjoyable but now with the new ymir I doupt that you can still do it... well you can still do it but magic basic's have a stupid
Low scaling so you won't be face punching until lategame.

I don't even understand why hirez gave mages magic aa's i mean Yeah now chronos can happen without being stupid OP but imean If it is just done for 1 god than why do all mages get them.
I understand it on zeus and chrono's and freya but come on who will aa with hebo or ra or agni etc.

All they did was nerf a lot of Gods more than buffing others.

The only real places where some people build phys mages was in motd's I realy don't get it.

Yeah the magic auto attacks is kind of weird, does other mobas have that?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » August 5, 2013 7:19am | Report

Yeah the magic auto attacks is kind of weird, does other mobas have that?

No. At least LoL doesn't. They still have a mix of damage, like Freya ( Best example from LoL is Kog'Maw). But not magical damage on AAs.

I don't know if that happens on Dota2. Never played HoN.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » August 5, 2013 7:38am | Report
Kind of cool that they are doing something different, but hopefully they will tweak the mechanic more as the game goes on :p
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » August 5, 2013 7:38am | Report
I don't think the damage in DOTA have types (physical/magical) I don't really know

I think basic magic attacks should only be on chronos and isis (goddess of magic, I mean, please)

In lol, I think Akali is a good example


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » August 5, 2013 10:19am | Report
I'm not sure, however, it's going to be cupid and 2 ADC's...Cupid already is one. But they said someone small, and I can't think of anyone else. So I guess it just means there's going to be 3 ADC's with it, which counting apollo, yields that only 2 won't have a gold skin.

And @All4Games it makes polynomicron actually useful on many mages, such as he bo. Now he has a reason to basic attack for a lot of damage, and with his short cooldowns, weaving in auto attacks is important.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » August 5, 2013 10:40am | Report
Well for gold skins, it is 3 skins. Because 1 for a spider, 1 for someone small, and 2 for adc's. well the small/adc overlap and you get Cupid.spider = Arachne, duh. And the other adc, well I hope it isn't Neith, becuase I have Xbalanque and artemis rank 1. Plus erez said it was 2-3 gold skins.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dark Jaw » August 5, 2013 10:45am | Report
M4XiiMUS wrote:

Well for gold skins, it is 3 skins. Because 1 for a spider, 1 for someone small, and 2 for adc's. well the small/adc overlap and you get Cupid.spider = Arachne, duh. And the other adc, well I hope it isn't Neith, becuase I have Xbalanque and artemis rank 1. Plus erez said it was 2-3 gold skins.

I'm pretty sure it'll be Artemis. HiRez love releasing Gold Skins for not-so-played gods.

Dark Jaw

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » August 5, 2013 12:57pm | Report
M4XiiMUS wrote:

Well for gold skins, it is 3 skins. Because 1 for a spider, 1 for someone small, and 2 for adc's. well the small/adc overlap and you get Cupid.spider = Arachne, duh. And the other adc, well I hope it isn't Neith, becuase I have Xbalanque and artemis rank 1. Plus erez said it was 2-3 gold skins.

Not necessarily. Could be 4, or it could be Arachne, Vamana/Ne Zha/Cupid, and an ADC. Remember adc is technically just a LoL term as we use physical power, not attack damage. In any case, attack damage carry can really just be anyone who scales well into late game with physical power, meaning any well-scaling bruiser or assassin could technically be an ADC.

Sadly, you're probably right, and while many are happy about arachne, I detest that Arachne and Cupid are getting gold skins, as both are considered less-than-favorable picks. But I guess it's one way to bring back picks to those gods, even if they're 'bad'. Still waiting on Ra, Neith, Thor, Fenrir, and Ne Zha golden skins. They're all very played gods that would benefit from it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RevanClaw » August 6, 2013 4:10am | Report
Raventhor wrote:

Not necessarily. Could be 4, or it could be Arachne, Vamana/Ne Zha/Cupid, and an ADC. Remember adc is technically just a LoL term as we use physical power, not attack damage. In any case, attack damage carry can really just be anyone who scales well into late game with physical power, meaning any well-scaling bruiser or assassin could technically be an ADC.

They have said it will be ranged ADCs, which further limit the possibilities!
It will be Arachne, Cupid and Art/Xballs/Neith...

Anyone know when the patch is expected? Thursday?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by VultokoFredrik » August 6, 2013 5:51am | Report
I think BORT will be doing the patch notes tonight/today(depending on country), and that we can expect the patch tomorrow(Wendsday).


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