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Problems with Zeus

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Forum » General Discussion » Problems with Zeus 13 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by vrinkstay » August 5, 2023 5:55am | Report
The one caveat I have here, is he's a god in assault in arena, but he is horrific in Conquest, hence his relatively nonexistent percentage of picks. He has no waveclear at ALL, and it results in him getting shoved to his tower, and losing gold to the tower. There's nothing he can do about it either - no matter how fed he gets, he will NEVER have waveclear, ever. You beat him in the laning phase to beat him in the rest of the game.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » August 5, 2023 3:54pm | Report
vrinkstay wrote:

The one caveat I have here, is he's a god in assault in arena, but he is horrific in Conquest, hence his relatively nonexistent percentage of picks. He has no waveclear at ALL, and it results in him getting shoved to his tower, and losing gold to the tower. There's nothing he can do about it either - no matter how fed he gets, he will NEVER have waveclear, ever. You beat him in the laning phase to beat him in the rest of the game.

Yes but actually no. Zeus problem on Conquest IMO is that he's a pure walking damage bot. He does not do anything else and also has no escape, which means he needs peeling all the time and if focused there's nothing he can do.

Plus with the recent damage nerfs on damage items, he can't burst people easily anymore, so, not even his main role he can do right anymore.

And yes, he can clear the wave pretty well hitting the shield in the middle of it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by fametomex » March 13, 2024 6:36am | Report
Agni is annoying, but he can't make himself become effectively invincible for a short time. Aegis is not "just a speed boost," it eliminates a huge source of damage from any physical god. I have played Zeus, and the standard tactic is to wait for Xbalanque or Apollo to use his "bursty" skills before popping the shield. Cue 6 seconds of uninterrupted attacking.


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