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My Tier list for Xbox/Pc (Not a meta tier List)

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Forum » General Discussion » My Tier list for Xbox/Pc (Not a meta tier List) 16 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » May 30, 2015 9:08am | Report
This is not a "Meta" tier list or "flavor of the week" tier list. I made this a legit tier list based on the actual god in conquest "overall". I do not care how many people play or don't play the god, it does not change their tier because its not based on flavor of the week picks, ect.

#1 - This is unbias
#2 - No amount of people who do or don't play with the god makes its tier lower or higher
#3 - all gods are judged by overall compared to other gods in its same class in other tiers
#4 - Because a lower tier god can counter a higher tier god does not make it better "overall"
#5 - You will see some "supposed" low tier gods in higher tiers because they actually ARE good
#6 - I have at least a few gods I was unsure about because I don't play them

Overall though, this is my list, even though I made this list for Xbox, because Xbox is only a patch or two behind, majority of this list would still be the same, so to me its basically almost the same on Xbox or Pc (give or take one or two gods).

I have an explanation of why each god is higher than the one below it.

I can't wait for someone to ask "how" on certain gods, I know its coming :)

Most people make tier list based on "who is picking what this week", I base this tier list off of what gods actually are a higher tier "overall".,122&ahmuzencab=565,851&ahpuch=931,842&anhur=292,203&anubis=280,326&aokuang=616,767&aphrodite=232,581&apollo=409,476&arachne=286,674&ares=883,476&artemis=739,602&athena=151,101&awilix=460,356&bacchus=841,389&bakasura=559,476&bastet=700,203&bellona=496,203&cabrakan=841,329&chaac=400,326&change=664,602&chronos=211,476&cupid=721,389&fenrir=781,329&freya=349,674&geb=694,476&guanyu=778,203&hades=148,674&hebo=148,476&hel=274,476&hercules=433,203&houyi=346,476&hunbatz=946,122&isis=220,326&janus=652,122&kali=637,851&kukulkan=151,203&***bakharna=757,476&loki=622,476&medusa=730,122&mercury=223,674&neith=340,326&nemesis=781,389&nezha=637,203&nox=466,767&nuwa=661,329&odin=484,476&osiris=541,767&poseidon=589,122&ra=526,122&rama=355,203&scylla=280,383&serqet=400,383&sobek=946,476&sunwukong=820,476&sylvanus=805,122&thanatos=574,203&thor=883,122&tyr=721,329&ullr=661,389&vamana=814,602&vulcan=220,383&xbalanque=229,203&ymir=841,203&zeus=601,602&zhongqui=340,383&empty0=1045,179&empty1=1045,242&empty2=1045,116&emptyCount=3


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FemFatalis » May 30, 2015 9:18am | Report
This is casuals, right? Because otherwise there's no possible way Anubis is S-.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » May 30, 2015 10:47am | Report
FemFatalis wrote:

This is casuals, right? Because otherwise there's no possible way Anubis is S-.
That is....

Until you see my 48 kills and 17 deaths.....

I think the problem you are having is seeing the S- and not seeing the other gods who are in that tier with the S-

Like I said, the list is more moved up because I do not consider many gods low tier because not many gods are bad enough to be that low, and its hard to even put people in a low tier because its hard to find super bad gods when most gods are not that bad.

Go class by class

You said Anubis is in the S- which he is, now take a look which mages are in the S- also, and take a look at the mages in S+

The mages in the tier with Anubis all deserve to be in that same tier for the most part, the ones above that tier are above Anubis for a reason and the ones below Anubis are down there for a reason.

I remember when I used to play dat PC and did Anubis ranked, OMG people used to be so angry and say dumb **** like "Thanks now we lost".

Then when I win they would say "lucky"

Another thing to keep in mind: Wasn't Aegis 3 nerfed so nobody can get a free out to Anubis anymore like they could before?

People can buy beads and magi's all the want, its still not enough to put Anubis in a low Tier IMO.

Anubis IS kind of ****ed if they had something like, Aegis 3 (pre-nerf), Beads and Magi's.

But they literally bought 3 items for Anubis, thats a win :)


I will use examples, lets look at who is in the S- Tier with Anubis (talking about mages)

S- Tier

see anything in common? Firstly all of them but scylla has no escapes, the other mages in S+ are top tier because they either have escapes or have something so good it makes up for it. Like Pos has a freaking cripple and a Kraken which is noob easy to land and Pos is the type of god which can Penta easily, he also clears fast as hell but cripple and noob easy ult is good reason why he is higher tier, also he his passive makes him faster than these other gods, Ra has a heal and gains movement speed, he is safe as hell, on top of it has a slow, Ra used to be top pick until people randomly chose new flavor of the months.

So first is the mobility is similar besides scylla

Scylla has ****py wave clear early on, Anubis will easily destroy her in terms of clear no contest but scylla has a better escape no contest and better AOE in team fights. I can keep going but let me talk about the others and why they are all in the same tier. Btw Sycllas bad clear is the reason she is not higher, if she could clear fast as hell she would easily be higher tier with EASE, her early clear is why I put her lower.

Isis has no mobility other than wasting her ability to gain some, she clears waves fast like Anubis, sort of like Anubis Isis stuns you to get away, Anubis wraps you to get away, they are similar in mobility and how they escape/do damage.

Zhong has ****py clear early like Scylla, like wise he has to stun to try to get away just like Anubis and Isis. Zhong is strong AF but his mobility keeps him a tier lower, if Zhong had an escape he would probably be OP and easily a tier up.

Vulcan the same thing, mobility is bad, ult is iffy, he can clear pretty fast if you don't destory his turret, but Anubis, Isis, ect can easily take his turret out so its balanced out.

Anubis Can AOE his turret and minions at the same time
Syclla EASILY gets rid of that turret with her aoe
Zhong would probably have a more annoying time against it
Isis can clear the wave and ball the turret

All of these gods are equal in one way, syclla may have the mobility but then Anubis has the clear.

The mages in S+ easily have more **** going in their favor lets list the mages in S+


Compare these ****ers to the others I just listed

Ra is fast, Ra can heal his wave while clearing yours, you literally waste abilities because Ra heals his wave back up meaning its as if you didn't even push the wave because yours is gone now. Ra has a slow on top of his movement speed bonus passive. Ra is safe because of his long range clear, heal himself back up if he needs to and low CD ult.

Poseidon has built in movement speed, clears waves extremely fast but the only reason he is in S+ is because cripple and AOE from hell with his nooblet ult penta machine gives him a edge on those in S-, Pos is simply capable of bringing penta's with more ease. If he didn't have this he may be in a lower tier.

Agni, has an escape, has tons of range, has stuns, no need to explain why he is ahead of the S- tier

Janus is the same story, escapes out the ***, through the walls, high burst, but his ult is what makes him easy top tier, he can bring his entire team quickly to any side of the map, he can save his entire team from any side of the map with his ult. His portals make him top tier.

What is your reason why Anubis should be in a lower tier than Isis, Vulcan, Zhong or Syclla?

I can see a argument for Syclla based on escape but her bad clear makes up for it and her Quadra kill ults don't happen every game, just like my 48-17 Anubis doesn't happen every game :)

By the way, Anubis is one of my fav mages everyone knew this who knows me, but I promise I didn't put him in S- only because I like him, its just he is legit good and I don't see anyone in the same tier as better than him "overall"

Like I said "overall" means at points of the game, including Anubis beating Scylla early on easily, but syclla can bring more into a team fight later on.

Plus I look at other things, to be honest Syclla could be a tier higher, but because of her weak early clear I put her one tier lower


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Talenhiem » May 30, 2015 4:50pm | Report
Personally, I would have to disagree with the definitions of each of the rankings. Personally, this is how I would have it:

S: Reserved for Gods that are the pinnacle of the current metagame. These Gods are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Gods in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits. These Gods define the metagame. (No S-, S+ only in extremely rare and massive cases, like release Bellona.)

A: Reserved for Gods that are fantastic in the current metagame, and can carry, support, or wall against significant portions of the metagame. These Gods require less support than most others to be used effectively and have few flaws that can easily be compensated for when compared to their positive traits. These Gods exert a strong presence in the metagame.

B: Reserved for Gods that are great in the current metagame. These Gods have more notable flaws than those above them that affect how they function in the tier. Their positive traits still outshine their negatives, but they require a bit more team support to bring out their full potential. These Gods exert an above average presence in the metagame.

C: Reserved for Gods that are mediocre in the current metagame, but have just as many notable flaws that prevent them from being effective. Gods in the C tier often require significant support to be effective. Gods from this rank tend to face a lot of competition with the more commonly used Gods. These Gods exert a below average presence in the metagame.

D: Reserved for Gods that are highly mediocre in the current metagame, but are viable enough to justify their use on select teams. These Gods are only capable of doing their specific task and fail at doing anything more than that. Gods from this rank have multiple crippling flaws that prevent them from being successful a majority of the time, and are often severely outclassed because of it. These Gods exert a poor presence in the metagame.

E: Reserved for Gods that are 100% outclassed in every single way, shape, and form imaginable. There is literally no reason to use Gods in this tier in any serious match. These Gods exert no presence in the metagame.

Of course, that's just me. Since I've been gone for a while, I doubt that I would be able to come up with an accurate tier list myself any time soon.

Edit: oh yeah I'm back, blog hasn't shown up in the main page yet ;_;


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FemFatalis » May 30, 2015 7:59pm | Report
I'm not going to argue the Anubis ranking (he has to stand still for two abilities, giving every mid laner free ultimates), but Hades? B? Have you seen Hades's performance in the new meta? You said in the beginning of your Anubis justification that you had 48 kills etc, but Hades will always win lane, will always clear the wave before you, will always have an escape, and has enormous teamfight potential. I don't think this list is based on what you said it is, and in addition, you should be basing the list off what is being played, since the pro players are the best at the game, and their opinions are what make the meta. The tier list is the meta. It changes.

@Talenheim, I agree with your ratings, DM's definitions are just focused on Masters-Diamond play and SPL/Challenger Cup matches.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » May 30, 2015 9:10pm | Report
Could you be a little clear as to what this tier list is based on? You say it's not based on the meta or what is being played instead you base it on which god is a higher tier overall but you're not telling me what makes a god a higher tier. I would assume personal opinion but you say that's a no too o.o.

Then again why would a tier list from Xbox be drastically different than one from the same region for PC? Xbox is only a patch behind I believe. Is there even ranked for Xbox yet?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » May 30, 2015 10:27pm | Report
FemFatalis wrote:

I'm not going to argue the Anubis ranking (he has to stand still for two abilities, giving every mid laner free ultimates), but Hades? B? Have you seen Hades's performance in the new meta? You said in the beginning of your Anubis justification that you had 48 kills etc, but Hades will always win lane, will always clear the wave before you, will always have an escape, and has enormous teamfight potential. I don't think this list is based on what you said it is, and in addition, you should be basing the list off what is being played, since the pro players are the best at the game, and their opinions are what make the meta. The tier list is the meta. It changes.

@Talenheim, I agree with your ratings, DM's definitions are just focused on Masters-Diamond play and SPL/Challenger Cup matches.
??? I Just told you my list is NOT based on Meta

Also nobody dies to a hades ult, hades ult is worst than and Anubis ult, at least with Anubis you have to wast beads or counter build like Magi's, with Hades all you have to do is dash or jump.

You can dash/jump out of a hades ult, you can't dash/jump out of an Anubis ult.

To me Anubis is more useful "overall", hades can out clear and has an escape, but his abilities are less useful than Anubis IMO. Almost nobody dies to his ult unless its someone like a AMC with no escape.

Hades ult is way worst than Anubis ult to me because #1 most people just jump/dash out of it, or #2 hades will just get killed while ulting lol.

Also I always hear people say things like "Anubis has to stand still there for his is bad".... that doesn't really make him bad, all that means is you have to know when to cancel his abilities, does nobody know how to cancel plague or locust?

That is why Anubis gets ****ped on, I will play Smite and watch an Anubis use plague of locus, someone will use a Kraken ult and they will still be standing still...

Thats more of player error not Anubis being garbage himself.

Anubis can easily just cancel the ability out quickly any time he knows people are trying to use an ability or an ult is coming.

Example: I plague of locust someone, its 1 on 1, I see Odin coming and I know he is going to jump combo on me, I cancel plague of locust so I can move.

Its not that hard...

I can't remember if hades can cancel his ult or not? I think he can? But hades is more useless overall IMO compared to Anubis.

All Hades is, is good in laning phase compared to Anubis who is good at CC, Laning, and team fights, people just think Anubis sucks because #1 they think Magi's makes him unplayable, #2 They think because he stands still means nobody can just cancel the ability, #3 he has less mobility

Yea, those things hurt him somewhat and thats why hes not top tier but it doesn't hurt him so much that he is bad.


If every single pro player started to pick bastet all of a sudden would you then think Bastet is super high tier just because they are all playing it?

Here let me answer that you for: The answer is YES because everyone has bastest as high tier, but I had her as higher tier way before people were playing her, she was always good and people before pros playing her used to call her scrub even though its the same bastet.

I watched some of the pros review tier list and they said things like "I don't know whats making bastet so strong in the meta now but she is"

So pros used to call her garbage now they are calling her high tier.

Just like Anubis, before anyone is playing him, I am calling him higher tier than everyone who thinks he is lower, and one day when someone good starts maining him everyone will just copy the meta and be like "Yup Anubis is now good in the meta!"

* Just remember the list of gods that were supposed to be garbage

- Bastet was called low tier and **** because of her cats sucking late game
- Cabrakan was called horrible, and even with buffs people called him lower tier, now look at him
- Guan Yu was not picked up as support, someone figured out he is good and now he is higher tier
- Tyr people said was easily countered by Magi's blessing just like Anubis, YET THEY PLAY HIM
- Sun Wukong was suppose to be low tier garbage, now people have their minds changed after Incon

Then you have random gods that keep falling in and out of flavor of the months

Ra - One day he is the top tier mage, next month nobody plays him, he goes back and forth
Poseidon - People used to spam him, then they stopped for a while, now they are back to playing him
Zhong Kui - One day he is the best solo laner, next day he is just meh solo laner.

People make their list based upon meta and picks, I make my list based upon what I think is "overall" better and I look at the same gods in the same class to see if tiers above it in the same class should actually be higher or not, I do not compare gods from different classes, that is like comparing cars to bikes.

If everyone was to spamn Ne Zha and Anubis they would be top tier, if nobody plays them then they are considered low tier.

My list says "Gods in low tier or high tier stay that way until they get buffed or nerfed and no amount of playing them will ever raise their tier or lower it because tier list is not suppose to be based upon how many people play them but suppose to be what you think is actually better or not"

And of course its everyones opinion on a list, my opinion is that Anubis is better than hades overall, and I don't see hades beating Anubis in lane, if Hades ults then Anubis can ult back and melt hades quicker than hades could ever dream to ult Anubis.

Hades cannot really do anything against Anubis other than dive in, smack with his staff, if hades ever ults he will get melted because Anubis will place grasping hands than ult him back and hades will die super fast.

Plus, hades in team fights has to get in "close range" to his use abilities, Anubis does not have to get in close range.

Yes, Hades clears waves fast and has sustain, but compared to Anubis I think Anubis is way better, people say Anubis's ult is bad but hades is worst and on top of it hades has close range abilities.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by FemFatalis » May 30, 2015 10:42pm | Report
Uh, no. Because Hades and Anubis have different purposes. Anubis is really really good at a few things, those being levels 1-5 in mid, and objective control. Cheese Death Gaze can get a Gold Fury at 3 minutes. The problem is that a good team with map awareness and safety in lane can counter this. And it's difficult to cancel Plague of Locusts or Death Gaze right when a Kraken pops up under you and avoid the knockup/stun. Hades is a tanky frontliner who wins lane against everyone and forces escapes from Pillar of Agony so that all escapes are down and the rest of the team can clean them up. It's like No Escape; Ares isn't good because he pulls everyone to him consistently, his ultimate is a beads tax that allows for a more efficient follow up.

Also, you said you don't want to compare gods of two different classes, then you do...

Spamming a god in pro play doesn't make them good. Lassiz played a lot of Anubis in the leadup to Summer, and realized aptly that the god is not viable, so we didn't see him. Ne Zha saw play in the Spring Split, did horribly because the enemy team capitalized on the god's inherent weaknesses in this Season, and we haven't seen any more of him besides a cheese support. The "meta", meaning the Season and not the "common picks", gravitates towards characters that are consistent. Anubis and Ne Zha are not consistent, and have many downsides. Anubis has no escape, so you're forced into Combat Blink instead of Greater Aegis or Greater Purification. Your look at the top end of the tier list seems to be from the perspective of "which characters do the most damage?".

(that being said, thank you SO MUCH for putting Kali in D, I've been waiting for someone to acknowledge how much she sucks)
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"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, ‘You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.’"
-George Carlin


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » May 30, 2015 11:02pm | Report
Greenevers wrote:

Could you be a little clear as to what this tier list is based on? You say it's not based on the meta or what is being played instead you base it on which god is a higher tier overall but you're not telling me what makes a god a higher tier. I would assume personal opinion but you say that's a no too o.o.

Then again why would a tier list from Xbox be drastically different than one from the same region for PC? Xbox is only a patch behind I believe. Is there even ranked for Xbox yet?
Nope, Xbox is like 2 patches behind, Medusa didn't even get nerfed yet and there is no ranked yet either.

"overall" means.

Laning phase
What does their abilities bring to the fight
Team fight
wave clear
how counterable are they compared to what they bring to the table
AOE Vs closer range
How many gods can this god face and do well against
How many matchups will this god do bad against

The best example is someone like Guan Yu as support.

We will use Guan Yu as an example Here is a list of supports

- Geb
- Athena
- Sylvanus
- Ares
- ***bha
- Sobek
- Bacchus
- Cabrakan
- Sun Wukong
- Ymir

Why is Guan Yu "overall better"?

Lets see

Gaun Yu destroys geb in lane, no contest geb has no chance against Guan in lane, Guan Yu can't be knocked back from geb, Guan Yu provides wave heal and team heal, Guan Yu's ult provides more damage than Geb, Guan Yu overall does more damage and will win the game quicker because how he will dominate the lane, then sustain his team with heals, while geb is doing low damage and trying to protect someone.

Guan Yu beat sobek because again he can't be knocked back, can heal his wave/team mate, Calvary Charge is a better ult slightly than Sobeks for the fact its constant damage and stuns at the end while Sobek has to wait for high damage which then can be escaped. Sobek can't do that much to Guan because Guan will just heal back up. Sobek has anti-heal but guan has spam heal on low cooldown. Guan Yu will clear the wave faster and Sobek runs out of mana easy. Overall during the game I think Guan Yu would be better because he would win laning phase quicker than Sobek, then provide his team with better team fights with sustain, ect while sobek is more of an annoyance relying on his pull to make plays.

Guan Yu Vs Athena, Athena eats Guan Yu because she counters his 3 in lane with her taunt, Athena's ult provides better map presence, Athena's will stop Guan from clearing lane with her taunt, Guan will still have his team heal but Athen'a taunt will probably set up more kill plays where the heal will not save many people, Athena's escape is better, intiation is better, can block basics, can clear waves okay. She wins because she counters Guan Yu and overall is just good as **** at almost everything and she is hard to lock down or stop.

Guan Yu Vs Sylvanus
, Its kind of close but the edge is to Sylvanus because he is just gayer than Guan Yu with a slight edge. Both can heal so its kind of close, guan can heal his wave but Sylvanus has more healing for his team, Sylvanus can AOE an entire team with his ult which knocks everyone up and you can't use actives while knocked up, Guan Yu's ult is kind of even with Sylvanus if they both use them in a fight, I give the edge to Sylvanus because in laning phase Sylvanus will probably out clear Guan Yu, however its so close to me that Guan Yu is just slightly behind, and I also give sylvanus the edge because of his pull which Guan Yu has none of.

Guan Yu vs Ares, Guan Yu wins, although Ares does dot tons of damage with his chains, ares can't clear fast enough and Guan Will most likey heal himself back up anytime he is chained, ares clears so slow that Guan Will just heal the minions over and over until the hunter can clear the minions with one ability. Guan Yu is also CC immune during his ult so he does not need beads in lane against Ares. Overall Guan Yu is better only because most good players with beads out of Ares Ult making it useless majority of the time and Guan Yu's laning phase/team fight in combo is more superior IMO.

Guan Yu Vs Ymir
- Ymir ***** on Guan Yu in lane, Ymir will freeze Guan out of his 3, Guan will have trouble clearly the lane, Guan Yu is forced to camp because Ymir has high damage as well, Guan Yu is more of a healer/Ult team mate now instead of protection and lane shredder, Ymir counters Guan Yu just like Athena.

Guan Yu Vs ***bha - Guan Yu does get countered by ***bha's mes, but ***bha's abilities I do not think are enough to stop Guan Yu and his team in a fight since Guan Yu can sustain his team. ***bha uses the belly ability to clear waves or do his main damage, other than that and his ult ***bha will be doing low damage and trying to provide high CC. The thing is his CC does little to no damage and Guan Yu will sustain his team when they get CC'd because they take little damage, most people will break out of the ***bha CC when hit by minions, ect. ***bha can't really run from Guan Yu's ult. Its kind of closer because ***bha can cancel out Guan's 3, but Guan provides more to his team overall during the game even in laning phase IMO, although its close

Guan Vs Sun Wukong
- Honestly 'm not too sure because I haven't faced to many support wukongs but I would assume Guan Yu would win lane, he clears faster and Wukong can't stop Guan unless he tigers him, but the minions will block Wukong from doing that in laning phase. Guan you will heal the poke from Sun Wukong. In team fights Guan Will sustain his team but Sun Wukong can knockup everyone. So really Sun Wukong can be more annoying later on with his knockups, but Guan Conters his poke with heal, most likely wins in laning phase, and in team fights I give the edge slightly to Guan Yu although its close, but overall I say Guan Yu is higher tier because of the laning phase edge and fact Wukongs poke will be sustained by Guan Yu.

Guan Yu vs Cabrakan - This is kind of weird, Cab can stun Guan out of his 3, but its close range and can be blocked by minions and puts Cab in a bad spot sort of, also Cab waste his escape by doing so, and Guan Will sustain back up after he is unstunned, if Guan is not stunned he wins lane, Cab can clear the wave but I think Guan's heal will make Cab unable to clear as well, and Guan's ult will probably get Cab killed, I would say Cab can win later on during the game only if he has a good team set up but in laning phase I say Guan will most likely win, overall its kind of weird, I'd say sort of close but I give the edge to Guan because of team sustain and his ult pretty much will get out of tremors then he can just smack Cab around.

Guan Vs Fenrir - Fenrir gets destroyed

That is how I judge tiers, I look at people in their own class and see how many match ups they beat and what the provide "overall". Guan Yu beats MOST supports and provides more for his team OVERALL, however their are some counters like Athena, Ymir, and them weird spots like Cab and ***bha, however overall Guan Yu is higher tier, just not as high as Athena or Sylvanus, but cloesr to Sylvanus.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » May 30, 2015 11:25pm | Report
BTW tier list are hard AF to make, the lower the tier goes the more difficult it is to even judge because most gods are so close they can move up or down easily. I also did say, there may be a "few" gods I have in the wrong spot some of which I do not play much. So you "could" be right on a hade or some other god, but overall I think I put everyone where I wanted them to go.

The guan example is the bets way I can put how I judged all the tiers, S+ tier is easy as hell because the overly great gods are easy to spot out, its harder to spot the differences between low or higher tier when tons of gods are pretty balanced, for example I think most guardians are viable, thats why I have most of them in the same tier, I don't feel as if many guardians are simply dominating every game like the higher tier Athena/sylvanus does.


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