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Bumba's Mask - Changing the game?

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Forum » General Discussion » Bumba's Mask - Changing the game? 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HolyPudding » June 1, 2013 8:36am | Report
Since Wednesday's patch and the introduction of the jungler mask, I'm starting to wonder if it's bending the basic rules of smite. So many times have I seen a spider, or a baka, or even a flipping THOR (I really dont know guys) getting this item and a HoG and strolling round the jungle taking buffs and ganking like they own the map. Before the Xbalanque patch, this was possible, but not to the current degree. The XP nad gold is borderline broken, while the health and speed is just icing on a delicious cheesecake. I dunno guys, tell me what you think. Is jungling now a role? And will more junglers be added in the future? I hope so.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by coldhotshot » June 1, 2013 11:37am | Report
Hey, Hi rez might want to go back to the days where jungling was the main thing to do on carries. But I think the timing on jungle spawns makes it impossible for jungle viability. I don;t usually play jungle and I only did it when hog and def and health buff was still here.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by jephers0n » June 1, 2013 12:07pm | Report
To make jungling fully viable again, they would have to revert to the old map. I had more fun on that map anyways, jungling aside.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » June 1, 2013 12:23pm | Report
I never played on the old map but it looked cool just because you could go in side jungles.
But I always wondered if I would like the fact I can go further right or left because will that mess the game up more since you have more chances of escape plus take a longer time to get back to the other side of the map?

I'm guessing thats why they changed it?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by fromLATVIA » June 1, 2013 12:34pm | Report
I hope jungling will be more and more popular in future to keep bigger rotation in game!I dont know about old map ,never realy like it... But more jungling gods (not like assassins but arachne) would be great in future!
Sry about my spelling!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » June 1, 2013 1:33pm | Report
The problem I'm seeing with the people who take Bumba's Mask is they get this misconception that they can run a full-time jungler and give their team some kind of advantage. In reality, all they end up doing is taking the all the camps on their side of the map, and stealing buffs from their teammates while they leave behind a struggling solo laner. The jungler himself will also fall behind in levels/gold after a while too.

The only reason this item exists is to make it possible for gods not named Arachne to actually be able to go for jungle buffs when they can afford to leave the lane. If you are picking up the mask for Arachne, I suggest uninstalling your client, because you clearly don't understand how the game works.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » June 1, 2013 1:36pm | Report
I agree, this could be a problem. With jungling not being a full-time role, if people are taking buffs left and right (literally), there will be problems. Personally, I always get pissed when a jungler goes over to my lane and starts taking buffs. It's rude and unnecessary.

It's also going to give the new people coming over from LoL this, very, thought: "Oh look, full-time jungling!". Convincing those people that it's not a full-time role is one of the most difficult things to do... and they usually end up making the team fall short and inevitably, lose.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » June 2, 2013 5:21am | Report
ya I hate when junglers grab all the buffs. I have had games where my team mate would not even help my lane until mid-late game when it really does not even matter as much.

Yes thanks for helping out now after the towers are taking while your out snatching 40 unnecessary buffs for your self when your not even that good to be using them THANKS!!!


You know you try to get a buff once you get a kill and just waste time because all the buffs are gone you were better of just pushing the damn lane.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RiPoZtE » June 2, 2013 9:23am | Report
I don't fully agree with the item, prime example would be a match I played the other night it was me in left lane with a ne zha against an apollo and arachne (I was thor If I remember correctly). The arachne literally only played a jungle and roaming role leaving the apollo (who played extremely passively) to fend for himself. But the thing is Arachne was fed so early on that it was impossible to stop her late game because at all times she would either have always have a combination of buffs as well as a few lvl advantage due to the ganks and god killing she was doing.

Maybe I just had a bad experience against a person using the item or maybe the item is ridiculous all together only time will tell. But I do believe jungling or being more of a roamer is becoming more and more popular.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » June 3, 2013 8:05am | Report
wow I didn't know you guys were talking about a item lol, I didn't even realize there was a new item until yesterday when I selected the health tab for frostbound hammer I seen the mask item and was like wtf is this???


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