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September 05, 2015

Next Guide

Views: 2404 Scarz99
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Hello everyone. I'm thinking about what my next god guide should be. It will most likely be a tank/ support but I have no idea witch one. If anyone has one they want me to cover please comment. Se ya in game.

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September 03, 2015
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So as some of you know I'm now entering college on 9/5/15. Being that I'm just starting my first year, I'll probably be relatively inactive on smite for at a minimum of a few weeks. Maybe more! Maybe less... Maybe I can find people to play with at school :3

I'll still be around the site, but probably not as much as in recent weeks. Just a heads up to those that play with me or see me around.


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September 03, 2015
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Passive: Mark of Consumption: Whenever Voluc deals damage with an ability to a target he applies a Mark of Consumption, causing them to take 3% (+2% of your magical power) of their maximum health as magical damage over 2 seconds. Voluc is healed an amount equal to 50% of the damage dealt. Damage against non-gods is reduced to 1.5% (+1% of your magical power) of their maximum Health.

1: Sentinel Strike: Voluc passively gains 50% of his magical power as attack damage, and his basic attacks deal physical damage.

Active: Voluc fills his blade with baleful energy, causing his next basic attack within 6 seconds to deal 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 (+50% of your magical power) bonus magical damage to his …
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September 03, 2015
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Most ppl don't now this but I was on the SMITEfire clan for a week or two now. I rarely see someone on it, and, sometimes, it brings me pain from the problems that I've had with Fem and other users. I'm heading off to Jerbd, A.K.A Ashh_Bearr's clan. I've had respect to her since CoG xx ( the SPL team she was the leader of ) and I've her she has been playing the game with other ppl that are on my <3 ( Like SlyFoxHound, one of the members that played on the Showmatch during SWC 2015, being the Jungler for Ashh_Bearr ). So yeah. Still gonna use SMITEfire tho <3 <3 <3

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September 03, 2015
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This might be messy. Also no picture cause that picture is me. I have no idea for base stats you can decide that. Just imagine some dramatic guy with a hoodie.

Screw the passive, he will just be a melee mage attacking with a glass sword.

Passive:Glass World

Arclight learns from his mistakes and adapts to it through his glass world. After an enemy god kills him, he gains protections and power against that enemy according to level. After Arclight kills the enemy god, some of the power and protection are permanently given to him.

Power: 30(+5 according to level)
Protection: 10(+2 according to level.

Power and Protection taken: 10
Max Stacks: 5

Ability 1: Glitch/Hack

Arclight glitches to his target area, dealing damage. If an enemy god is in the target area, they get stunned and take damage. If your ally is in the radius Arclight glitches into them and the ally takes a certain amount of Arclight's defenses for 4 seconds.

If effected by Final Ending, after enemies get stunned the…
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September 02, 2015
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Alan, Lord of the ADHD

Base Stats
Type:Melee, Physical
Health:475 (+76)
Mana:240 (+38)
1 (+1.45%)
Basic Attack Damage:39 + 2.4 (+ 100% of Physical Power)Progression:None
Physical Protection:14 (+2.9)
Magical Protection:30 (+0.9)
HP5:9 (+0.69)
MP5:4.4 (+0.29)

Depending on which ability Alan uses, he will have one of his 3 pets. By default, the passive will be on Rich Parents, and depending on the ability you use The Pet will change. A certain amount of time after you leave combat, the passive will reset to rich parents. His rich parents will passively grant him 30 gold every minute. His giraffe will passively grant him 10/20/30/40 physical protections. His monkey will grant him 10/20/30/40 physical power.

This is a very complex passive but very good passive. If this god is played in the jungle, you get gold from just roaming, which is the role I'd associate this god with. The bonus power and protect…
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September 01, 2015
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Hello and welcome to my guide to Xing Tian *echo in background* Xing Tian. Today you will learn how to be good at chests okay,

Step 1: Okay, Level abilities. you wont be able to play without them. (ellipses) so get some?

Step 2: Throw people, you wont be able to kill if you dont throw people... so go find a people

Step 3: Channel the power of cosmic energy and eat your adc. you and your adc will be combined and will fight together.

Step 4: Dont give your adc kills. Ur adc don't need no kill. take em for yourself

Thanks for being good. I make very good guide daily I tend to be on point with my guides. People always message me thanking me for my guides. Anyways, go be a stomach guy.

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September 01, 2015
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September 01, 2015

Xing Tian

Views: 2259 Scarz99
+Rep | Report
So today was the release of the first Chinese guardian. All I have to say is WHY SMITE!!! I love him because I love tanking but when I build him full tank and still have top kills and player damage I question how balanced the god is. The problem is his scaling. His #1 has 60%, his #2 has 70% his #3 has 60% and his ult has 150% TOTAL. Anyone think they know how this god could be effectively nerfed? Please send me your reply.

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September 01, 2015
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So as the title suggest I played some solo queue. I decided to fill and for the first time in a while (normally I end up adc or top when filling but well the support rotation was meh)) and well I picked nami (who I never played before) instead of taric (who I had played before) making our team super squishy (with a riven top) but the other team had the same problem so all good.

And well in the end we did win and then I saw something (search for it yourself on the picture)full stats (don't call me out on bad skill builds or items)

I managed to get the highest net worth. As a support that I never played and didn't play as well as I normally did. I overtook the other nami with double the amount of gold. So I just carried a game as a support (and I did make horrible mistakes for one and had no runes.). And well I was surprised I had top net worth for one.
(also for people who look at the full match link and notice I didn't buy a lot of wards the pink ward never got taken down and well si…
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