November 10, 2016

Why builds are stupid

Views: 5285 UberHaxorBuscus
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Build  |  meme  |  classic
Builds are only subjective, usually there are some items that are pretty much required for some gods, but if you're a high level player you should know that some builds are just BS and should be ignored.
For instance, one of my teammates tried out one of the builds I build in a previous game, now this build was by no means perfect, but it did win us the game with offensive use of Emporers armor. The enemy team was just pummeling us with their tankyness and inability to be killed so I bought void stone to counteract it. Usually, when i post a build on here, it has at least something for every game. Like my classic faf or my regular sun build.
But, if you really want to be good at the game, don't listen to builds, make your own. In the pro scene, they don't listen to builds because they have the knowledge to know that when you buy a specific item it will have a specific affect on the game and will give them a specific advance get, such as my void stone example.
