April 03, 2016

Double Hunter is Coming Back?

Views: 1673 Stuke99
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As you see in the title, the possibility of a Double Hunter (DH) Meta might make a comeback. I thought this was a joke, but after some testing, it seems this isn't a joke and I'm scared of what might happen if this becomes actual meta worthy. Before I continue, I should tell what happened in the original DH Meta.

In the first wave of the DH's, it would be a Hunter in the ADC role, of course, but there would be another Hunter whether in the Mid or Solo roll. What made this meta so bad for non-hunters is that it had the original Bluestone Pendant stupidly high Mp5 plus the original Heartseeker with its power stacking passive giving them a huge boost in power and the ability to sustain more then most Solo possible gods (i.e Chang'e, Chaac, or Hel). So when given the opportunity, and since they are Hunters, this Meta was highly reliant on snowballing and doing more damage then any of the other players as Hunters love Power and Critical Strike items. In later patches, those items got nerfed but in the start of Season 3; the powercreep to certain items are allowing this top comeback

Hunters now having the Throwing Dagger start gives them that Early Game power and since it's a AoE item, it also allows them to farm more effectively from it. You might not be effective at killing , but you'll have the gold build up to then bring the Late Game snowball beatdown. Despite some Hunters being better Solo laners then others, this meta will be coming back and no one will be safe for a long while. I'm fearful of what might come out of this and hope that Hi-Rez does something about this before it gets out of hand, but since the next god coming out is going to be a hunter; I feel that this change won't happen for another two patches or so.

That's my two cents on this issue, what do you think and what would need to be done so this won't gain anymore steam?