March 01, 2017

The Bellona Problem

Views: 1449 Sodsboy
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Bellona  |  Thoughtss  |  Smite
I've been trying for a good while now to get used to Bellona I touched her briefly in S3 and took her for a spin in Season 4 where I'm saying she's falling drastically. It's a shame that....She's being forgotten....Again. (PUNS!)

But for the most part the problem I see with her is that she wasn't the "I can box you for days mate!" With crit being so prominent she cannot box many people and Hercules being herc then what's the point?

Another major issue I'm coming across is her Bludgeon takes so long to wind up and it's rather annoying. The fact that it takes like 1-2 seconds to secure bot forms of damage can be quite annoying and if the enemy has got CC then good luck landing the slam.

And her Scourge Oh my word...Can this be anymore pointless. Oh yeah, 50 health. That'll help you in a boxing situation. Sure we can consider the 2.2 second disarm rather useful and the damage is rather nice but it's less then her Shield Bash so I wonder at times whether I should just max her 1 over her 3 to at least get reliable damage.

So what can we do to help her out?
Firstly, we need to adjust the wind up of Bludgeon so it doesn't take a month and a half to slam someone into the ground. Secondly buff her healing on her 3 so that it actually provides some form of effect. Add scaling to the damn thing for all I care at least make it somewhat useful. Her ult is perfectly fine and her passive is great for boxing but the rest of her kit needs a tweak. And as always...

Beatus venatione,