April 14, 2017

Hello! I'm Razemage

Views: 3141 RazeMage
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Hello Smitefire!!! Long time no see! Nice to meet you again!

It's been 2 years since I've made my last blog and I was thinking of making another one. This place just gives so many memories :'(

Btw, I'm Razemage, a fossil of smitefire long buried with dominion (who in here have played dominion as normal queue?). I'm currently living in Australia (HiFromBuddha, hmu).

Sadly, i'm not lurking on this site anymore :( however, i still love this site since it builds me to who I am today.

I can't believe it's been years since my first guide published. I swear, quality of guides a long time ago is far worse than today's. i love you guys who keep smitefire alive :)

That's all for now :) (so sleepy)