June 30, 2014

to "dense"... to much.

Views: 2517 MadDanny
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Maybe "Ah look at you people thread"
The one def item thread. And also Arka...

GOD! The internet is a dangerous place. These days anyone can use the internet now. And that's just... if your in a community forum. There are people like that that would come. I really hope that their not 12 and below years old. Because that's just sad then.

I'm not perfect. But I'm realistic. I'm not nice. But I have a conscience. And yet these people... I just want to kick their parents in the butt. I'm sorry for them really. Just... wish we could do something for them. If we could speak to them personally that would be way better than typing. Since we can understand the volume of voices and the meaning of how we speak. Instead of typing and just imagining how that person is talking to you...