March 04, 2018

My Next Big Project

Views: 1890 IceColdPappsi
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So, one thing that has been prevalent are the huge general guides that this site fosters. This will include Bran's Oberarching Guides, the Site Help guides like how to BBCode, and the Become A Class series done by various Authors.
Two things about these types of things is that they are always kept up to date, or at least always relevant. That is, except for the las kind of general guide, the Become A Class ones. They are missing new gods, and I am not sure, but they are missing a Mage variant.
What does this have to do with me? I am interested in doing this Mage variant. I would just like to question whether or not there is a Mage variant, and to remind the authors of the already created ones to update theirs, as to stay relevant.