November 16, 2016

Christmas Skins

Views: 4926 IceColdPappsi
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HiRez  |  Christmas  |  Muslim  |  Religion  |  Diversity  |  Holidays
In the upcoming patch(s), HiRez will be releasing Christmas skins for the upcoming holiday. This pisses me off.

Let me start by saying that I am Muslim. For those who don't know, that means that I am the same religion as terrorists, but calling me that is a stereotype.

In school, or at stores, or even in neighborhoods, you will always hear "Merry Christmas" or Christmas music, or see month early lights in green, red, and white. Other times of the year, it is Halloween and Easter that are brought to light.

First off, winter and fall has more than just Christmas and Halloween. It has Thanksgiving, Hanuka, Kwanzaa, Day of the Dead, and so on. But it pains me to hear fellow classmates say "Christmas Break" instead of "Winter Break". This needs to stop. I get that Christians make up a whole quarter of the world, but that is one quarter out of four. Islam, or Muslims, make up half of Christianity. I could get into the history behind all of this, but I'm still learning it.

What I would like to see in SMITE is a Nox Hanuka skin, or a Camazotz turkey, or even a New Year's Cupid. The most progressive thing HiRez has ever done was make a Gay Pride Parade avatar for 1 favor or 1 gem, and Ra'merica's skin kinda black, with a black feel to his voice. These skins would show that HiRez is more concerning about its fan base and is open to new themes that haven't been touched yet.

If any of you have a Reddit account, please post this, so it can get some light shed on it. I know that I'm not the only Muslim, or Jew, or even African American person playing this game, but we play it despite the sever lack of culture, and I'd want the rest of the community like myself to stand up and have their collective voice and cultures heard.

Sorry for the rant. Have a nice day. Comment your religion and race if it's other than white and Christian/Catholic.