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Devampi's Blog
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March 11, 2015

Only possible in Dota 2

Views: 1652 Devampi
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2v5  |  all4  |  bristleback  |  Dota2  |  OP
So now that I play a lot of different MOBA's because mostly my friends are all divided over them. (LoL I got some friends my brother and some friends on smite and most of the old SF members on dota2 and some of my best friends in dota2) I have been playing a lot of dota 2.

So some days back I played a game with all4. and as I'm pretty trolly I random as always randomming batrider which I never played. All4 picked Bristle and the other team mates sniper lina and skywrath.

early game nothing happens but sniper dc. after 10 min (all4 decided he didn't come back after 7 so sold his stuff) he came back. he gets mad and he and the other 2 leave because of this (were a pre made those 3) ending it up in a 2v5. well we decided to play because we couldn't do a second match. And we ended up winning after we sold there stuff and all4 got most of his items up don't believe me?

Okay I didn't do much of the killing as I couldn't take them on in a 2v1 most of the time (Ursa in a 1v1) but I was push…
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February 13, 2015

season 2

Views: 1880 Devampi
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 |  learning  |  S2  |  season 2
So well now that the season too patch is out. I haven't been playing smite that much anymore. especially CQ (also the new starter item Bluestone Pendant can be pretty Op in assault). Mostly because I need to relearn the whole game (and I hate that a bit :/)

But that's not all that changed my gaming preference changed a bit too. I'm shifting a bit of most MOBA's and going back to my RTS and TBS games. I noticed I only play MOba's with my own friends lately (exception of dota 2 where I'm still trying all hero's from z-a (reached the s now)).

So yeah I hope my usefulness won't lower too much because I have quited conquest mostly (especially the role support with building). So if someone could tell me a bit of the big changes in conquest (on builds I already know changes in gods)) that would be great.

And still waiting for HOTS acces

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June 13, 2014

Hello Hello

Views: 3052 Devampi
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Well as some others also made a blog where they told something about themselves. My name is Devampi (or Vampi) I started playing smite just before release (2-3 days). I'm a lvl 23 player now atm. I like to play all roles but I'm not good at all roles (my jungle and support aren't very good the others are pretty decent) and I'm not a really good builder.

I have plans to make a guide in the future but atm I just feel to inexperienced with building for that (and need to find the time). I can still use some help with most(/all) roles. (helps appreciated)

I mostly play with my friends and I help my just new-in-the-game friends (first bots after that pvp) So they aren't too noob (IMO they know what they need to do). Only I can't help them with all roles (jungle especially because my knowledge of that role is less (less then support I don't know because I don't play support that much) and is hard to explain).

Well this was my small introduction XD. I have been active here for a month or s…
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