January 17, 2015

Birthday and anouncements and other stuff. please read this.

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okay so i'll just get straight to the point.

since today i am 17 years old :D yay.

and i wanted to make some anouncments.

somewhere in the coming 30ish days i will make a very large blog which will contain a few things.

the first thing which i want to be the main focus of that blog is thanking the people i respect greatly on this site. these people i want to thank for the great experience's they have given me and have helped me grow as a person.

the second thing is an apology i have to make to one spesific member which i should have done months ago. um... better late then never?

the third thing is me riffing the absolute hell out of a few people who need it very hard but it will be... reletivly short compared to the thanking part.

the reason i am going to do this is because...

I HATE SMITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i have it all to thank to the blind ****ing fanboys i will be riffing. truely i should thank you for making me hate smite... that game that you love... worship like a religion... and have raged over when people critisized it... yeah you made me hate that game.

in short this means i will be leaving smitefire. for as funny as it is to argue with people who i feel are dumber then rocks (btw i have lost any form for respect i could have past,present,future so i will not feel bad about insulting them) and use the worst arguments there are, it drains my energy and i need that energy now more then ever before in my life.

besides since i know out right hate this piece of **** game i have no reason to stay around and critisize it. ****rez isn't going to be able to make this a good game ever. they are simply too good at driving briliant ideas into the ground, through the molten ball of metal in the center and back through the other side of earth, to ever salvage this game. look at their other 2 games.

the only reason smite is standing is because of the casual ****heads who are brainwashed by ****rez, ****rez buying youtube video's and selling out hard.

well it feels good to get that of my chest.

i'd like to make one request. to the people i will riff. the focus of that blog will be entirely on thanking the people who deserve it. do not hijack the blog's comment section.

you can do with this comment section what ever you like, im not going to comment on anything.

untill soon.