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For your first active start with Blink Rune for your second active either go a team fight active, or choose to go
Sundering Spear
For your first active start with Blink Rune for your second active either go a team fight active, or choose to go
Sundering Spear
For your first active start with Blink Rune for your second active either go a team fight active, or choose to go
Blink Rune
With the Sovereignty slot this is your FLEX item slot. Choose from these three which item you need the most.
Heartward Amulet,
Sovereignty, or
Spectral Armor
Cerberus is one of those gods that is either picked to counterpick a healing comp, or is chosen because you want to solo enemy players. If you follow the SPL you will see that PolarBearMike favored Cerberus throughout Season 7, because you are able to build Blink Rune and
Shield of Thorns and solo the enemy carries if you catch them out in the jungle. Using your second ability will reduce the protections on a target, and stack your passive for your first ability that will stun a target, and do loads of damage to them.
Cerb ult Stygian Torment is a great skill to use to either start fights, or to hold for when the enemy dives your backline. When you do use your ult make sure that its very clear for your team to see where you are going to put the enemies down at so they are able to get ready to use their kits. If you are in coms saying something as simple as "on the wall" will give your team a chance to set up for the kills.
Do remember as much as Cerberus is a dive heavy, kill hungry god, you are still playing support so make sure that you are always in a position to peel for your backliners. Enemy team will see you dive the backliners, and will run to your back line. It is okay to initiate fights but make sure you are still able to run back to your team, and peel off the enemy solo, and jungle.
A little tip for walking around with Cerberus make sure that you always have your triple orbs ready on your 1 Paralyzing Spit. You can do this by either autoing a camp, minion, enemy god, or by using your 2
Ghastly Breath. Using your 2 will stack your triple orbs so as soon as you walk out of base just start your 2 and cancel it. This way your 2 goes on cooldown faster and is up by time you get to the fight.
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I’ve used this build and think it’s awesome as is but was just wondering if it’s there was anything better for boots?
Also, it should be clear by the starter, but you should indicate somewhere (title) or first thing in the writeup below that this is a Support build. Also would be good to add a different build set for Solo (unless you don't want to).