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Since Smite 2 only allows you to have 1 relic, and you can only pick that relic for the rest of the game, it's important to understand the effects of it. In Ares's case, there are 2 I prefer on him.
The first is Blink Rune, this would be the major one I would go on him just about every game. The main reason is because he doesn't have an escape of his own, and this gives him an out. But it can also give him an in, especially while he's ulting (You can start ult then blink for additional distance). Since Blink in this game allows you to use it while in combat, you can blink whenever you want which will allow him to have pressure at any point during a fight, with his ult.
The second is Phantom Shell. This relic is a bit more niche and I really only use this if they have wall characters, such as
Odin or
Ymir. Sometimes I'll still go Blink if my allies can get out, because of how oppressive blink is on Ares, plus I can use Blink to get out if I need to as well.
Ares is a big War Flag user. He has the ability to get early pressure.
War Flag is great on supports who can get early pressure because it helps them excel even more in lane, since it's giving an aura of attack speed, movement speed, and you're getting extra gold and sustain from it. Even though
Selflessness isn't an incorrect pickup, I much prefer
War Flag on him in just about every case because of the pressure he and his laner gains from it.
Medallion is going to build into Gаuntlеt оf Thеbеs which will be discussed in the full build portion of the build.
Finally, we're gonna finish his start off with some health pots, to help sustain in lane, and some wards that we can use to gain sight on anyone coming to gank us. They'll be a section below on where to place the wards.
Here's gonna be our full build for Ares. I'll have another section for items you can replace if you'd like, but this would be my main general build for him. It's important to note that each game is different, and thus will require building different items. But this is a good place to get you started.
War Banner is just our upgrade from
War Flag. Get this when you hit level 15, but it just builds from it's starter that we talked about in the "starter" section.
Gauntlet of Thebes is really good on Ares as a general tank item. You can go рrорhеtic instead if you want. But I've always found this harder to stack on him and Thebes just gives me those free protections with little work.
Talisman Of Purification I believe is a must in every support build. This item can be activated even while you're being CC'd. It's essentially a free beads for you and everyone around you, and it gives you cooldown. What's not to love? I would go this pretty much every game, building it no later than 3rd item.
Circe's Hexstone is really good on
Ares because he doesn't have an escape. So this gives him one, and it also gives him an additional engage if you want to be aggressive with it. It's a must buy item if you're verse say a
Baron Samedi or other lockdown characters like him because you'll need a dash verse those characters. Baron absolutely counters Ares, but this item makes the matchup somewhat playable.
Breastplate of Valor and
Screeching Gargoyle mostly for the cooldown.
Ares loves cooldown for his chains, as they're his main ability and he wants them up as fast as possible. No matter the build you choose to go on Ares, make sure it has cooldown in it.
Screeching Gargoyle is also an additional CC that you can have, and it's very good to help counter dive. On top of that, enemies who are silenced by this item become weaker, reducing their overall prots which means they take more damage. This is another item I have in almost every support build.
Finally we have Spirit Robe, if it were up to me this would be
Pridwen for the additional cooldown. But since we can only have 3 actives at once, Spirit Robe it is. This item is an all around good tanky item. It's very good against CC heavy comps, as it gives you more protections making you tankier when you get CC'd.
These are gonna be some additional items that you can sub in and out of your main build if you'd like. Most of these are going to be more niche, and thus used in more specific situations.
Shogun's Ofuda is great if you have a lot of auto attack oriented allies on your team. This will provide them that extra stim that might just win you the fight.
Eye Of Providence is a great ward substitute if you don't find you need other items in your build. I would recommend this item more, but it does take 1 out of 3 of your total active slots. So I don't recommend this all the time.
Gladiator's Shield is a really good item early on in your build if you're looking to do more damage. It gives you extra damage as a procing effect off your damaging abilities. This item also has cooldown in it which is very good for Ares. Overall a super strong item that you can sub into your build if you're feeling frisky.
Oni Hunter's Garb I love this item, and I love it even more on
Ares. It makes you very tanky. Since Ares is in the middle of the fight a lot of the time, he can easily stack it's passive giving him extra damage mitigation (damage reduction) allowing him to tank more in a fight.
Stampede is a great item all around, but extremely good against comps that have a lot of slows and it gives great stats.
Although this is the skill sequence that I think is best on Ares. If you don't think your team is outputting enough damage, you can swap some of the skill upgrades for your 2 with that of your 3 (your fire). That way you'll be dealing more damage, but at the cost of tankiness.
Hey there, I go by Dashboarrd and I'm a Grandmaster Support Conquest player. I've competed in the SCC (Smite Challenger Circuit) and I have won SOC (Smite Open Circuit). I have also won plenty of gem tourneys during the weekends, such as Iced and Vulpis. I also hit Masters in Smite 2 and I competed in the Vegas tournament, making playoffs. I have put in many hours into Smite and in particular Ares. I hope this guide can give you some new direction with
Ares if you're struggling with him, or just improve your overall
Ares gameplay.
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