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The Giant Slayer.

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Forum » Theory Crafting » The Giant Slayer. 28 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » June 29, 2020 8:37am | Report
Sometime this week I made it my challenge to create a God that could solo the 30:00min fire giant.

I went through quite a lot of possibilities and just couldn't get any to do it...until...

I tried Odin,

Because I never played him before, I started with a max-power build then started swapping out items for protect or attack speed or critical, etc. Each time whittling down the giant each time I faced him....until at last he died.

And with the build you HAVE to time your shield and jump abilities just right to absorb the giant's meteors.

The build looked something like a modified Mercury build. Which brings me to the Crux of the matter.

I decided to take him to the conquest. To give it a try.

I've never gotten destroyed so hard in my life. Not by the fire giant. By everyone! I started swapping out pieces of the build for intermediate T2 early game armor....warrior blessing...

I figured at first it was just my skill level, never played him before.

I must have played him 24 hours straight trying to just make him more USEFUL late game than just. a punching bag that goes down last.

So, giving up, exasperated.....I go back to the drawing board. I pick a standard Bakasura practice. And Bakasura just demolishes the Fire Giant at 30:00.

*sigh* the theory crafting. What VIABLE builds work with this coveted prize of in-conquest solo'ing the fire giant without going 5-100 K-D with Odin?

Is it really possible? In a way that doesnt just troll your team?

And is there something just flawed with Odin? His standard build seems to just be all protection with one damage item. Which doesnt seem enough to hold solo anything late game.

Regardless. I wanted to theory craft workable conquest builds into solo'ing the fire giant.

I didn't play the Bakasura build but it was I think just straight attack speed-critical-lifesteal.

For him seems pretty normal build for an Assassin?

1. Asi
2. Wind Demon.
3. Rage
4. Executioner
5. Death Bringer
6. Sais.

I think were the items.

I just want a giant slayer 😖


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 29, 2020 9:14am | Report
All you had to do was pick any AA hunter and build Devos Ninja Exe Rage Wind Demon Poisoned. (And sell boots for Titans).


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 29, 2020 9:20am | Report
IDNeon wrote:

I didn't play the Bakasura build but it was I think just straight attack speed-critical-lifesteal.

For him seems pretty normal build for an Assassin?

1. Asi
2. Wind Demon.
3. Rage
4. Executioner
5. Death Bringer
6. Sais.

No that's not a normal Bakasura build, and pretty much no assassin goes crit except Mercury, maybe Nemesis but it's not an ideal path for Nemesis usually.

Normal Baka build (Currently) is something like Golden Blade > Ninja Tabi (or Atalanta's/Hastened) > Stone Cutting > Qin's > Executioner > Situational.

Also if you didn't get Ata/Hastened after golden blade you would get it after boots. E.g. golden > ninja > hastened > exe > qins > situational.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » June 29, 2020 9:22am | Report
What is it about hunter (or Bakasura) that makes their build so much more viable than Odin wearing it?

Odin's mobility isnt trash. He has a good escape and a shield for some escape artistry.

And with high attack speed he does kinda trash enemy gods. But he goes down hard against more than 2 gods or aoe, etc.

But I'm curious how it seems Assassins get away with it?

Play style different? Game mechanics? Both?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 29, 2020 9:23am | Report
IDNeon wrote:

What is it about hunter (or Bakasura) that makes their build so much more viable than Odin wearing it?

Odin's mobility isnt trash. He has a good escape and a shield for some escape artistry.

And with high attack speed he does kinda trash enemy gods. But he goes down hard against more than 2 gods or aoe, etc.

But I'm curious how it seems Assassins get away with it?

Play style different? Game mechanics? Both?

Uh, Odin is built more of a bruiser/tank and is usually seen in Solo or Support, he's not a Jungler like Bakasura and not a ADC like a Hunter. And if you built Odin with crit and tried to dive the enemy backline you would just get demolished.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » June 29, 2020 9:24am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

No that's not a normal Bakasura build, and pretty much no assassin goes crit except Mercury, maybe Nemesis but it's not an ideal path for Nemesis usually.

Normal Baka build (Currently) is something like Golden Blade > Ninja Tabi (or Atalanta's/Hastened) > Stone Cutting > Qin's > Executioner > Situational.

Also if you didn't get Ata/Hastened after golden blade you would get it after boots. E.g. golden > ninja > hastened > exe > qins > situational.

Would you dump Golden Blade for anything later? What uses does it have later game?


Posts: 65
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 29, 2020 9:25am | Report
IDNeon wrote:

Would you dump Golden Blade for anything later? What uses does it have later game?

You could replace it later, but it's still useful on Baka for clearing waves (e.g. splitpushing while your team is sieging a pheonixe) plus it has some synergy with his ultimate if you dive the enemy backline.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » June 29, 2020 9:27am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Uh, Odin is built more of a bruiser/tank and is usually seen in Solo or Support, he's not a Jungler like Bakasura and not a ADC like a Hunter. And if you built Odin with crit and tried to dive the enemy backline you would just get demolished.

Yes I discovered this the hard way (for my team poor guys haha).

But, I'm more curious why. What about the game is making an assassin able to do it but not anyone else kitted the same?

Was the mistake no boots? No base 18% movement speed was causing me to miss a lot of hits. But even if he landed many hits, while he shreds (and he does) and he has high lifesteal tank from it....I dont know if that would make him more viable

I didnt get to try boots.

But the game mechanic still applies.

It makes no sense to me why as an Assassin (I've used Merc's meta build pretty well) works much better?

Is merc just that much more mobile?

Do they calculate damage/protection differently on God types?


Posts: 65
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » June 29, 2020 9:33am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

You could replace it later, but it's still useful on Baka for clearing waves (e.g. splitpushing while your team is sieging a pheonixe) plus it has some synergy with his ultimate if you dive the enemy backline.

This makes some sense why the Odin meme fails. Has to sacrifice a lot of item slots to build up into same attack-speed and crit chances etc as hunter/assassins.

I keep looking for any way to shed some attack speed and crit for protection..

But his damage just drops so severely that he becomes uninteresting to me. (Personal preference)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » June 29, 2020 9:35am | Report
IDNeon wrote:

But, I'm more curious why. What about the game is making an assassin able to do it but not anyone else kitted the same?

It's not just Assassins (some warriors like Achilles, Vamana can be played in Jungle), it's just that your usual assassin brings more damage (generally higher ability scaling), good jungle clear, and mobility.

IDNeon wrote:

Was the mistake no boots? No base 18% movement speed was causing me to miss a lot of hits.

Boots should almost always be built 99% of the time. Most cost efficient item in the game and without the full movement speed from boots, you basically suffer a permanent movement slow compared to other gods, and suffer even more from further slows.

IDNeon wrote:

But even if he landed many hits, while he sheds (and he does) and he has high lifesteal tank from it....

Not sure what you mean by this, I can build any warrior with a full damage build, and even if it can give out good dps, that doesen't mean it's good in practice, and certainly not full damage attack speed crit Odin....

IDNeon wrote:

But the game mechanic still applies.

Which game mechanic?

IDNeon wrote:

It makes no sense to me why as an Assassin (I've used Merc's build pretty well) works much better?

Merc works well with Crit because of his passive Fastest God Alive, his 1 Made You Look and his 2 Maximum Velocity. He also generally focuses on killing squishies, not tanks, which is where his 3 Special Delivery and 4 Sonic Boom come in as they can lock down squishies and help Mercury burst them with crit.

IDNeon wrote:

Do they calculate damage/protection differently on God types?

Not between god types typically (though some classes like Warriors and Guardians have beefier base stats), but between physical and magical gods generally. You should read this: (Word of Thoth - Game mechanics guide)


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