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So tired of losing with Arthur but so fun

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Forum » Theory Crafting » So tired of losing with Arthur but so fun 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by IDNeon » July 4, 2020 5:59pm | Report
I dont understand the match making but its pissing me off.

I finally get to where I can 50/50 kill/deaths with Arthur and wtf happends?

I get really bad random allies.

This last game was 4-14 allies-enemies. And I was 2 kills 2 deaths.

I just cant stand it anymore.


Posts: 65
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by boogiebass » July 4, 2020 9:28pm | Report
Not sure what you want us to do about this. We can only teach you the basics, but we can't really do anything past that.

<World Serpent>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » July 4, 2020 11:52pm | Report
matchmaking is matchmaking, most games don't have great matchmaking. Or sometimes someone is just having a bad/mediocre gameplay compared to normal games.

In most cases, your impact is only going to matter in 20% of the games you play. The other 80% is 50/50 (or well 40%/40%) in wins and loses beyond your control.


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