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Was there a recent update on this website?

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Forum » Support » Was there a recent update on this website? 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » December 2, 2020 3:36am | Report
A few weeks ago this site ran perfectly fine for me but now the advertisements are somehow showing up through my ad-blocker and it's running horribly. I know I know using ad-blocker is frowned on for websites but honestly my old *** laptop cannot handle the super insanely aggressive advertisements websites are shoving down our throats on each page.

The site used to run fine and looked pretty but now it's got this all white background from an advertisement I tried getting rid of but I couldn't get it to go away. So now if I'm on this website for more than 5 minutes it will overheat my laptop and force it to shutdown. I literally can't use this site anymore if this is how it's going to run.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » December 2, 2020 3:46am | Report

I'm sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience with our ads. I know they can be a pain and I'm not a fan of them either, but they help us keep the site going. :(

Can you please let me know what browser you're using and if you're encountering the same issues on other websites running ads?

In the meantime, I'll inform our team and we'll look into it! It might be a specific ad that's causing performance issues.

Thank you for letting us know about your experience. Let us know if anything else could be improved!
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » December 2, 2020 4:09am | Report
Try a different browser


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » December 2, 2020 6:59pm | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

Try a different browser

Guess that worked. Mozilla works perfectly fine for some reason but Chrome melts my laptop on this site now. That's weird...

Hades4u wrote:


I'm sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience with our ads. I know they can be a pain and I'm not a fan of them either, but they help us keep the site going. :(

Can you please let me know what browser you're using and if you're encountering the same issues on other websites running ads?

In the meantime, I'll inform our team and we'll look into it! It might be a specific ad that's causing performance issues.

Thank you for letting us know about your experience. Let us know if anything else could be improved!

I use Chrome, it might be Google up to their tricks again trying to make the ad-blocker plug in less effective cause they've done this before. I know ads are how websites make a living, I just can't run most websites because of the sheer amount of them. I tried using my phone but it won't even let me type without an advertisement covering the text box so I had trouble replying using that. But Mozilla works perfectly fine, so maybe it was Chrome and not smitefire?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » December 3, 2020 2:10am | Report
high chance chrome has a hand in it. It tends to eat a ton of your resources in general when it's active. for me it usually eats around 1 gb of my RAM in the background


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » December 3, 2020 4:35pm | Report
Devampi wrote:

high chance chrome has a hand in it. It tends to eat a ton of your resources in general when it's active. for me it usually eats around 1 gb of my RAM in the background

Yeah I noticed that when I look up task manager and Chrome has like 6 different things eating RAM. But I mainly use my laptop for YouTube which Chrome feels like it works better for. But they're actively trying to sabotage ad-blocker so I guess I'm switching to Mozilla, cause I'd be sad if I couldn't use Smitefire anymore and Mozilla's ad-blocker works better.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » December 3, 2020 4:54pm | Report
It could also be a virus. I had one before that caused my Mozilla to open new tabs/windows frequently and generally hog my RAM space in background processes. Unless this was a Smitefire specific issue.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » December 9, 2020 2:45am | Report
Kriega1 wrote:

It could also be a virus. I had one before that caused my Mozilla to open new tabs/windows frequently and generally hog my RAM space in background processes. Unless this was a Smitefire specific issue.

Some sites are running a little slower than usual but no other site causes my laptop to melt. I figured it was ads.


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