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Problems with Guide Making Item List

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Forum » Support » Problems with Guide Making Item List 8 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » May 23, 2019 6:44pm | Report
So in my "Edit Guide" template, I'm having an issue when creating builds.

When I go to use the Search bar in the items section, it freezes to the point where I can hardly pick an item.

Any ideas of what may be causing this?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » May 23, 2019 7:32pm | Report
I never had this issue, but I have a problem in my Nike guide where 2 chapters always delete themselves whenever I try to edit the guide. I had to make backups in a WordPad document to avoid losing stuff.

Have you tried clearing your browser cache/history?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 23, 2019 8:39pm | Report
DV-8 wrote:

Any ideas of what may be causing this?

Your $#!++Y laptop.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » May 24, 2019 6:03am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:
Your $#!++Y laptop.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by PsiGuard » May 24, 2019 7:33pm | Report
DV-8 wrote:

So in my "Edit Guide" template, I'm having an issue when creating builds.

When I go to use the Search bar in the items section, it freezes to the point where I can hardly pick an item.

Any ideas of what may be causing this?

I just tested it myself and it's quite responsive. There's not much we can do to track down the issue unless there's a specific way to replicate it. As Bran said, it could just be your computer.

Vini_sds wrote:
I never had this issue, but I have a problem in my Nike guide where 2 chapters always delete themselves whenever I try to edit the guide. I had to make backups in a WordPad document to avoid losing stuff.

Backing up your guide is smart, even if you aren't currently experiencing bugs (so good on ya). I can take a look at this issue if you like. Could you tell me which chapters seem to be disappearing?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » May 24, 2019 8:39pm | Report
PsiGuard wrote:
As Bran said, it could just be your computer.
Yeah... Heh-heh... I kinda had a hunch from the start that this is what it was.

At least this opened up an opportunity to perhaps fix someone else's problem :P


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 24, 2019 9:37pm | Report
If you haven't, suggestions:

1. What's your disk space capacity, and how full is it? Do you have multiple SSD/HDs? If only one, and it's almost to capacity, that will hurt your speed overall. If more than one, the main drive with the OS needs to have reasonable space...I'd say at least 10-15%, but you should never really fill any HDs up the whole way.

2. Run CCleaner. Analyze and do a basic/easy clean, then go to registry and fix all errors.

3. Defragment (HDD) or optimize (SSD) your hard drive(s). Recommend Defraggler.

On both of those programs, just do the free version...not telling you to buy anything.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » May 24, 2019 9:40pm | Report
I know you didn't say to do this, Bran, but don't defrag your SSDs.

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