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Game crashes, deserter for 240 minutes when i log back in

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Forum » Support » Game crashes, deserter for 240 minutes when i log back in 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mcguinnesss » July 22, 2022 2:40am | Report
As the title says, my game crashed and I got deserter. I tried to submit the automatic pop up for the crash report, it bugs out and doesn't send. Then I have deserter for 240 minutes.

Is there a way to avoid this? It was an assault match and I litterally logged in as soon as my pc could load the game...and it gave me a this deserter...pretty frustrating.

I want to note that I cant even open the game in 64 bit. That randomly stopped working a few days ago, after finding online to try the 32 bit if opening the game it worked. Maybe the crashes are related....

Anyways...I haven't AFK'd from the game, haven't left a match for a while....but 240 minutes as the game crashes just seems at the least rediculous.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 23, 2022 11:09am | Report
Hi McGuinnesss,

Sorry you experienced this issue. It seems like it's been happening randomly for various people...but I'd say it's been doing this (not commonly but it happening at all is bad).

Unfortunately, it's really hard to pinpoint what the issue was...the game randomly crashes for me, and not always in the same situation. It's pretty much the only game that crashes of the various ones I play.

So at this point, sorry, but we don't have any suggestions on how to avoid this. Unfortunately, we also don't have direct contact with the people at Hi-Rez. You'll just have to try to submit via the crash report and hope the devs and programmers are able to minimize these occurrences.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by denlui » December 8, 2022 2:39pm | Report
hi! did you fix it ?


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