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Can't attack with hero all the time.

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Forum » Support » Can't attack with hero all the time. 2 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by bryn41 » March 24, 2023 3:14pm | Report
When I download Smite I am able to attack and cast spells with no problem. Once I close the game and re-open it I can no longer attack and cast spells consistently. It only registers attacks sometimes. I have checked the keybindings and they are fine and I have also tried changing the attack keybinding from my mouse to keyboard. When I put the attack keybinding on my keyboard it always works (extremely impractical), but when I use my mouse left and right clicks they do not work .

I have to re-download the game and then everything is fine until I close the game and re-open it. I have tried being killed by a tower in game to fix problem as I had read worked for some, but that was not the case.

How can I fix this problem so I do not need to re-download smite every time I wish to play the game?


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 26, 2023 11:02am | Report
I would personally suggest requesting help from the official site.

I've never heard of this issue before. I'm curious, when you can no longer attack in a match, does your mouse still register movement? If you get out of the match, are you able to select things on the main screen with a click?

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