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Yokai of Despair | 10.13 Update Notes

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Forum » News » Yokai of Despair | 10.13 Update Notes 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » December 7, 2023 3:12pm | Report

By: TitanDandy | 2023/9/20

Source (10.13 Main Patch):
Main Patch scheduled to go live: December 12

*NOTE* For full patch notes, please visit the source. Only Update Schedule, Item and God Balance will be listed here.


Enemies that apply hard Crowd Control to Bake Kujira are Cursed. If an enemy is already Cursed, the duration is refreshed and the Curse increases in strength. Bake Kujira converts Protections from Items and Abilities into Basic Attack damage and converts Attack Speed into reduced Basic Attack movement penalty. Attack Speed and Item Passives do not benefit his Basic Attacks.
  • Protections Conversion: 30%
  • Attack Speed Conversion: 1% reduced Movement Penalty per 1% Attack Speed
  • Cooldown on Curse Application: 10s


Bake Kujira imbues himself with cursed energy. When activated, Bake Kujira gains increased Basic Attack range and reduced Movement Penalty when Basic Attacking. He also gains a stack of Protections for each enemy hit with his Basic Attacks.
  • Basic Attack Radius: 20
  • Protections per stack: 2/3/4/5/6
  • Max Stacks: 6/7/8/9/10
  • Movement Penalty Reduction: 50%
  • Duration: 5s
  • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
  • Cooldown: 12s


Bake Kujira sends out a wave of cursed energy. Enemies hit are slowed, damaged, and Cursed. Enemies that are Cursed deal reduced damage for 6s. If a Cursed enemy is hit by this ability, the slow is doubled and their Curse becomes amplified. Bake Kujira

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