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Year 11 | 11.1 Update Notes (Link)

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Forum » News » Year 11 | 11.1 Update Notes (Link) 1 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » January 15, 2024 6:12pm | Report

By: TitanDandy | 2024/1/16

Source (11.1 Main Patch):
Main Patch scheduled to go live: January 23

*NOTE* For full patch notes, please visit the source.

*Bran's Note: This patch is enormous, with a multitude of changes and adjustments. I will not be transcribing the full notes here. I will instead offer something the official patch notes don't: a quicker bullet point list of the new features so you can get a high level view for quick reference.*


  • Dusk and Dawn: Features 2 cross-gen skins (cross-gen system will apply to both Smite 1 and Smite 2) plus other featured items commonly in previous battle passes

  • The Divine Legacy is a new event in SMITE designed to reward you for your progress and
    achievements over each year of SMITE

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